Chapter 29

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“I’ll never ask you to change for me because you are perfect just the way you are.” – Unknown

Kodiaks POV.

I helped pack away the tools and put away everything so that the place finally looked more neat and magestic as Demelza put it.

When I looked up I saw Jeremy, with his lopsided grin of ecstasy and excitement as he made his way to me. I was a expecting a handshake this time around but he grabbed me into a bear hug,I was a bit taken a back by this.

"Seems like someone is excited to get engaged." I chuckled.

"You don't know how much, man. I never thought me of all people would be finally getting engaged until I met Liz. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life... And you of course."He laughed when I raised my eyebrows." My life was all about work and trying to make everyone happy even when I wasn't but it seems like she was an angel sent from heaven, okay, not much or an angel but you get what I  mean. "He went on and on about how in love he was and I was very happy for him. He deserved all the happiness in the world especially with the way he was before Liz. Why do I feel like this is going with me right now?But the only thing is that mines is with Demelza...

Get that thought out of your head Kodiak.

"I'm happy for you." I gave him a side smile as I hugged him back. "Are you ready to get this plan into action, my dear friend?"

"Am I ready? I'm fired up." He sighed heavily with excitement lacing his sigh.

"Well then the first thing  you need would be a good shower, you smell of sweat." I chuckled when he pouted.

"See you in a bit man. Dem is sitting by the benches near the lake if that was what was on your mind or if you couldn't get enough of her..." He smirked as he whistled away. Sometime I wonder how the bloody hell did I get stuck with this idiot.

I made my way to Demelza, nothing at all for Jeremy to get Cocky about. She was setting up the aisle, happiness bubbling up in her with just the flowers. I noted how every little thing means so much more to her then the bigger things. A smile crept on my face. I don't know when this happened but somewhere through out everything I let my guard down around her.

Just when I was about to go up to her, a message popped up on my phone, I had been ignoring this number knowing that it was Derek. Like I said before this motherfucker does not have a life. When I looked at the picture he sent me, my jaw clenched and I fisted my hands. This time around I was glad I saw what he had sent.

I should have never trusted Demelza...

Third Person POV.

Demelza turned around seeing the handsome Kodiak walk away angrily, confusion etching her face but she could not even go after him because Liz was making her way to the greenhouse from what Matt had texted her and they couldn't hold her up anymore. She needed to hurry. She made the way to the greenhouse, Jeremy in his navy blue suit, looking all handsome for the big question he would be asking Liz. Demelza nodded at him and gave a thumbs up before putting off all the lights. Liz walked closer to the greenhouse, looking completely oblivious to what was about to happen.

"I will be right back, Liz. Go in, in the mean time." Alex smiled at her as he came to stand next to Demelza behind the greenhouse but it had the best view to see what was happening. Demelza took out her camera capturing this special moment:the to be proposal. She couldnt help but let out a squeal when Liz put on the lights.

Liz's face went into complete shock, taking in the decorations and flowers and plants around her. Score one to Dem's designing. She still did not see Jeremy, but he saw her, his eyes softening when seeing her. He walked up to her, her back facing him as he put his big hands over her eyes and held her in an embrace. Her face went into more shock and tears brimming her eyes, like she could not believe it and immediately turned around, screaming Jeremy's name out and jumping on him, her legs wrapping around his torso.

"I thought you weren't coming back till Thursday." She held him close, as he did the same, carrying her to the table.

"I know... I finished up early. So I thought I could take you out for a date and well, surprise you." He grinned at her, as he continued to carry her to the table and captured her lips and giggles spilled out of Liz's mouth, she gasped at Demelza's hardwork when she was finally in the plush, soft chair, touching everything so lightly, scared that she would upset it. Jeremy sat opposite her, grinning, he looked up at Alex and Dem, nodding his head.

This was Demelza and Alex's turn to leave.

" Where are the others by the way?" Demelza questioned.

"Honestly speaking I have no idea. Especially Kelly...But anyway since it's just us two, I was wondering if you could answer a question for me.

" Sure...? "

" Do you have feelings for my brother? "He looked so serious, she thought for a second where did Alex go.

" Umm... That is a hard question. Why? Did he tell you something? "She spoke with hope.

" It's a yes or no question and maybe if you answer I'll let you know if he did. "He smiled at her.

She sighed heavily.

" I don't know... It's like I do like him but then again I don't also. He infuriates me but at the same time he makes me feel so weak... I don't know if that makes sense. It's like I really do like him but at the back of my head or heart it is saying you hate him, for everything he has done to you and what he will do in the future and I am not going to put my feelings on an open platter only for it to be thrown away like it tasted soo horrible. I will not risk my feelings being trampled on. So would I openly agree? No but if it was with a person other then him then I might just say yes. Let's just say it's complicated Alex... "She smiled at him, the more she talked the more she came to realization she honestly has fallen for this Emotionless Man that has literally made her transparent to him.

Alex gave her a knowing look, as he held her in a tight embrace, then wrapping his one arm around her neck and putting his hand on her shoulder and walked with her to the house. Alex, thinking about what confessions he would get out of Kodiak. Deep down, this heavy tension fell on everything besides Jeremy and Liz and no one could help but feel like something was going to happen.


"I-I-I don't know anymore what to think Matt..." Kelly held Matt's shirt and tears carelessly feel down her face. Could she honestly keep up this hurt and love she has for Matt? They have only hurt each other so far from the time they came back into each other's lives because of Kodiak and Demelza but she was not going to blame them, it was inevitable anyway. She would have have to face her demons and past but she never wants Matt and her to get in the way of them. Her brother deserves love and happiness...

"I do not care, Kelly. The best you could do right now is to not come near me. I was doing well before you came back." He ran his fingers through his hair as he grabbed Kelly, gently taking her hands off him. It did not matter, he was not going to allow her to break his heart all over again!
She glared at him.

" You think I am coming onto you!? That is not the case, Mr. Steele." She backchatted.

" What the fuck is going on here? "A deep, emotionless voice, sounding so ghostly spoke.


Hmmm, did that just happen or did that just happen!! 😂
Oh my God! Am I the only one getting all this anxiety and excitement all at once? 😂
Well the skeletons are slowly coming out of the closet...
So I honestly would like to know what your'll did think of this chapter and...
My main question is when did your'll catch onto Matt and Kelly and if your'll did?? And was this a shocker or a I knew it moment for you!

And one more thing, I would like to say from the bottom of my heart that I would like to thank all of your'll soo much for making 'My Emotionless Billionaire' reach over 2K reads.i must say I was really shocked and I honestly don't know what else to say but that I was speechless🙈❤️💯🌹so thank you again!

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