Chapter 44

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"What I write comes from a place of deep love, and a deep understanding of all kinds of otherness." – Jacqueline Woodson

Kodiak's POV.

I stared down at Demelza's sleeping form, kissing her forehead. She let out a little snore, holding me closer to her as though I would disappear. I was never going to leave and that was a promise. We were up till four in the morning but now Demelza was out like a light but I still could not sleep. Every single thought invaded my mind.

I needed to settle things with Derek, so I can move on with Demelza, not just that but to get him out of my life for good. My plan was already set in motion, but I was hoping to execute it when I got back home but now I felt like this couldn't wait, that too because I wanted to protect Demelza.

I don't know when she will find out about Antonio or how she is going to react but what I do know is that I was going to be there for her. The thought of her distancing herself from me because I knew all along scared me though.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand when I heard it buzz, an incoming phone call coming from the same unknown number that I had no intentions on saving, came up. Why the hell is he up at this time anyway? I pressed the answer button.


"Well hello there to you too Kodiak."

I pulled away slowly from Demelza trying not to wake her up. Getting up I walked into the bathroom.

"Stop beating around the bush and get to the point." I clenched my jaw.

"Look at the video I sent you." I pressed the loud speaker icon, still keeping it low enough that Demelza would not wake up or hear, while I went into Derek's chat.

I played it, my jaw clenching and speaking through gritted teeth.

"What do you want?"

"Now we are talking. I would like to meet up with you so we can continue this conversation."

"Meet me at the Dominguez Warehouse at eight. " I cut the call, pressing another number, the person on the other line picking up immediately.

"Are you done with everything I asked you to do?"

"Yes sir, we are all set."

"Did you finish the contract?" My voice turning serious.

"Yes everything is in place, we are ready when you are ready, though we are still working on hacking into Mr. Flynn's computer or any other electronic devices and back up systems. "

"Good, I want you to set everything up in the warehouse today. I need you to get everything done Phil."

"Yes sir."  Pressing the end call icon on the screen I turned the shower on.

Derek messed with the wrong person and now he won't know what hit him. Even if I would make it a slow way of ruining him, there would definitely be a huge impact.

His motive cannot be because he wants me to give him a share in the company only, there has to be something else, there just has to,that too to bring Demelza into this. I took a shower, getting dressed into a suit, I had a backup in the closet just in case something came up while I was at Stetson's, an example of a situation like this would be now.

I shrugged on my black waistcoat, my jaw set the whole time as I went through my plan in my head, hearing mumbling coming from Demelza.

I glanced at her, I felt my heart constrict thinking back to the video. Fuck, I needed to get all the copies he might have and anything against Demelza and destroy it, we were talking about her dignity here, and I would never want anything to tarnish it.

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