Chapter 19

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"Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.”— James Baldwin

Demelza's POV

Someone soon walked up on the stage and the main people that hosted this event gave their speeches of thanks and started with activities to make the event interesting. They first did an auction on these beautiful art pieces. All the money from the event would go to charity which was based on children and places that were in poverty to make it better and give them a proper life.

I was already seated next to a glum looking Matt at our respective table while Kelly and them were two table infront of us. I caught sight of Kelly staring by us and waved at her as she waved hesitantly,Matt looking at the whole interaction.

"I see you both are getting along really well."

"Oh definitely, she is such a sweetheart Matt." His jaw clenched and he nodded his head listening back to the hostess.

I tried listening in also but my heart rate picked up and everything went so quickly.

Kodiak's POV.

So much for not fucking staying away from her. Great.

When the bidding for beautiful pieces of arts took place I bidded on two pieces of art that caught my attention.

One was a painting that was painted on the outside than in the inside of the lines with different varieties of colours and the other a painting that looked like the ocean and also like the sky, a true perspective when looking at it.

We were in the middle of another bid when the front doors opened and the person who was the main cause of most of my problems walked in with a women clinging to his side wearing a red dress that had a deep slit at her right leg and him wearing a full black tux with only a red rose on his suit jacket.

"Oh dear. My apologies for coming so late,you know how business calls." Derek bowed with a smirk on his face as he made his way to sit at Demelza's table since his name was on there. He pulled a chair for his companion but before he sat he walked up to Demelza, kissing her hand and smiling at her. Demelza's face red as a tomato.

My jaw clenched. I should not feel this way towards her. She is not mine and with the way my life is, she would not be able handle it...

I shook off thoughts of her actually being with me. She is getting too close to me and is causing all these thoughts to flow through. I sighed trying to bring my attention back to the auction.

"Ladies and gentleman, thank you very much for joining us on the art auction. The next auction will start and there will be a surprise to it as well." The hostess smirked and winked before going off stage.

"Derek's here bro." Alex spoke with his eyes on Derek.

"I know. Leave it be."I looked forward as waiters came and served dinner to us to which we had to to pay for, for the charity event of course.

I took one glance at Demelza who was smiling and listening intently to Derek. I sighed. She does not know what a bad person he is.

Demelza's POV.

My jaw dropped when I saw Derek walk in. What is he doing here? His a businessman you idiot. My subconscious barked.

He walked up to our table I quickly looked at the name written across from us. The name Mr. Flynn flashing by on the card.

With such gentlemanness he pulled out a chair for his date. I expected him to sit down but instead he walked up to me and took my right hand kissing the top. My eyes widened to the size of saucers, everyone was staring.

"We meet again Demelza." His deep voice spoke.

"Indeed." I nervously laughed making him grin. He then sat down and nodded to Matt who nodded back.

"How do you do?" He smirked at me.

"I'm good and you?"

"Perfectly great." He gave a side smile and for a second I felt a double meaning to it making me feel uneasy.
I saw his eyes moving to the side as if signaling someone. I wanted to turn but damn how I am going to be discrete with him opposite me like that.

Waiters came from all directions serving our meals, which looked really delicious and tasted way more delicious. When the serving took place I took advantage of the opportunity to see who he was looking at but to no avail did I see anyone.

When it came around dessert time an announcement was made that all businessman should go to a room to talk about the charity and business alliances making me wonder was this like some type of diversion or was I being paranoid. I shrugged it off taking a big bite of chocolate mousse.

All the PA's and other guests were still here being socialists and chit chatting while I was feeling suffocated with all this peppy women acting too good to be true. Hmm, they all will be out in at least fifteen minutes. Probably I can go to the bar where no one is and where I can relax for a while.

As I made my way to bar I saw an old man sitting down on one of the bar stools sipping on whiskey. When I came closer I saw it was Mr. Sinclair.
He looked up at me and smiled warmly then patted to the seat next to him, I took the invitation sitting down and finally letting out a heavy breath.

"Evening little one."

"Hello there Mr. Sinclair." His smile faltered just a bit.

"Oh please no formalities but why aren't you with the rest?"

I laughed with humor.

"I needed a breather but I should be asking you that. Shouldn't you be in the meeting."

He sighed heavily with a crackly chuckle."I sent my representative. It is too stuffy in there."

"Guess we have something in common with that." I laughed heartedly, him laughing along with a twinkle in his eyes.

"So did Mrs. Sinclair come?"

He frowned at that.

"Hmm, how do I say this... I actually am not married." My jaw dropped as I stared at him like he was mad. And before I could stop my mouth that word fell out of my mouth.


He chuckled. "But I did have someone I loved too much that I couldn't bring myself to love someone else and move on from." He smiled as if going back to memory ride.

"I would love to hear about your love story." My eyes gleamed with hope that he would tell me.

"I do not think it is the right time." He wryly smiled.

"It would be lovely to hear it Mr. Sinclair. I actually don't mind and I am very much the type to listen to love stories they are my favorite." He looked at me for a while, then cracked a grin and started.

"Very well. It all started with a book. I had always loved reading and studying the business books but Mielie was one of romance books. She and I met at a library, I was so distracted by her that I picked up a romance Novel and when she saw the books name of what I was holding her eyes lit up.

I first looked confused by her actions."

I found myself so interested in his story for some reason that I listened so intently.

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