Chapter 31

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Hiiii everyone!! So today is my birthday(16 May) and I am finally done with chapter 31! Yipee! I really hope you enjoy like it and please vote it will really mean a whole lot. ♥️

Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.”― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Demelza's POV.

Awkward. Complete and utter awkwardness. I fiddled with my black trench coat as I tried my best to not peek a look at Kodiak, who was switching gears and driving with such elegance even though you could see his anger radiating off of him. I finally gained the courage and turned to look at him... about to speak... only for Riceball to jump out of the back seat in between us and smile happily with his pink tongue hanging out of his mouth and hair in his eyes, his face frantically turning back and forth from Kodiak and I. I immediately looked back at the tinted window that showed the outside of the lively New York night, the city that never sleeps. I held my breath, this time around I felt his intense eyes on me.

Hmm, let's do this. Imagine putting yourself in this situation or let's say scenario like this. You have this crush who you are head over heels for and you have no idea what you have done to him that he is not talking to you and now you have to share a car and house with him for a whole week!

Or at school you have been partnered up with him and you have a whole school week to be with him and only for this one project that is worth a lot of marks and you have to work on it together as a team but there is a whole lot of tension between you both and he is distant and secretive but you have to be with him and you are starting to feel like he can see through you and see you have feelings for him.

Or just imagine yourself in my place, rather than me making it complicated for you.

Now, what would you do? How would you feel? Would you also be making up scenarios in your head like I am doing right now of what could go down? Would you feel a little scared and nervous, feel all emotions in the book? Let all types of questions run wild in your head as your heartbeat rises and your mouth becomes dry and you feel like you cannot swallow properly?

I sighed dramatically, I felt him glance at me then look back infront of us–on a busy road but it was still quiet and relaxing, the sky already cloaked by darkness. I'm not going to say a thing, sorry hun... But... If you start the conversation I will definitely talk to you. I couldn't help but smile at my stupid antic thought to get him to talk to me.

"A penny for your thoughts." He spoke as if he was bored. Guess he did talk also. I didn't expect that but then again I expected the unexpected.

"A penny for my thoughts? Oh no, I'll sell them for a dollar. " I sang, the song of if I die young coming to my head. He just stared at me blankly making me roll my eyes, way to go you jerk, to ruin my vibe.

"Why did you offer for me to stay with you? Especially since you are acting like I did something to you." I glared at him.

Instead of responding to me he laughed humorously, as If I had said the best joke he had ever heard in his entire life. I don't know why I did what I did next but hey I apologize for not knowing the reaction to my action.

" You act all sweet and everything with me then Bam you are this total cold, asshole who I feel like murdering on the spot. What is your problem? Because if you are bipolar I will understand. " My whole body turning to face him and Riceball going back, more like hiding into the safe haven of the back seat. Maybe I can do a swap so I do not have to face his wrath.

He stopped the car, when the light turned red and turned to face me.

" Mind you tongue right now Ferenz. You can see I'm not in the mood for you right now."

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