Chapter 14

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"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul."

Kodiaks POV.

When I reached the beach house, Jeremy reprimanded me for being late in a playful manner. I talked to him about this businessman that I would be meeting.

" Stop talking about business. We are here to relax. Okay. So no more business talk. "

"Very we-"

I heard screaming coming from upstairs then a fit of giggling following. I raised my eyebrow at Jeremy waiting for him to say something but he just shrugged. Something is fishy.

"Which room will I be accommodating?"

"The one to the left the second last room."

"I see."

We talked a bit more time talking before I excused myself to go and take a shower. After a long flight, a good shower always does the trick.

I opened the door, dropping my duffel bag on the floor, near the nightstand. I shrugged off my jacket, dropping it on the bed and flexing my arms. I walked over to my bag when I heard the shower was on.
Why was it on?

I walked in going to close it. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Demelza in a silk robe peering into the shower, trying to close it. The robe got a bit wet,wbo was I kidding half her body was wet already, when she went inside the shower to close it. What is she doing in my room? A better question what is she even doing here?

I do not know what I was doing but I walked up to her, putting my one hand on the cold tiled shower wall and my other hand holding her waist, I leaned down my mouth a few inches away from her jawline. She turned around immediately her eyes all innocent and wide. My eyes darkened when they schemed her body, the robe sticking to her like a second skin. I pushed her more inside the shower.
Her chest heaved up and down, her nipples hardening because of the cold water that cascaded down both of our bodies. My Grey t-shirt turning a more dark charcoal color and my hair turning dark brown as the water wet it.

"What are you doing in here?" She looked like she was fighting with herself for asking that instead of something else. I smirked at her.

I turned her around swiftly, pinning her with both my hands roughly yet gently on the shower wall,Her back against my chest.

"I should be asking you that Demelza." I whispered, slowly licking her upper neck and going down, repeating the slow and sensual caress of my tongue. She shivered. I kissed where I could feel her pulse trumming, it increased  even more when I kissed there. The only thing that could be heard was our breathing and the shower. Her body was soft and lush against my hard, ridged, masculine body. Her body pushed against me and I could feel myself getting hard. Fuck.

I came out of my trance, tightening my hold on her small wrists. She whimpered.

"Unattractive." I spoke out bluntly and with menace.

She was not at all unattractive but very attractive. She had a gorgeous body with the right curves in the right places. Her breasts lush and very womenly, her hips curveous and her ass was so sexy, it was round and perfect, she was perfect in my eyes and though she did not have a models body she didn't even need to look like them because she was exquisite just the way she was. Even her shortness was very adorable.

I moved off her walking out, running my hands through my now wet hair.

I took my duffel bag shutting the door with a loud thud as I went to the opposite wing taking another room.
I finally realised this was part of Liz and Jeremy's plan. I went to take a shower, my palms on the wall and my head against the wall thinking over everything. I clenched my right hand into a fist hitting it against the wall. Shit. I fucked up by calling her that.

Demelza's POV.

The way he held me felt so good. The wall was cold but my whole body was on fire, as though I was walking through a burning Inferno and I was actually enjoying it. His chest was well defined and  I could feel it, I thought about how it would be to see him without the shirt. I was speechless not knowing what to say. I should have told him to get out but would I have regretted it knowing that this would not have happened.

His words hurt more then when he tightened his grip on me. I felt tears fall down my eyes, you could not notice because the water washed my tears away. I know I am unattractive but for him to have said it, it hurt so much more. Like so damn much. I finally closed the shower wiping my tears. I changed in my undergarments then put a long shirt on.

I went over to my bed and curled up into a ball. I did not feel hungry, I was still full from the buffet we had. I noticed Riceball was not here. I got up going downstairs knowing everyone would be sleeping by now. I went into the kitchen to see him doing tricks and getting doggy treats from Kodiak. He wore a sweatpants that hung low on his hips and a black shirt that clung to him, showing his muscles and well sculptured chest. A true body of a Greek God. It was my first time seeing him in casual, okay second time but the bathroom wet look didn't count not like I didn't like it and I must say it looked really sexy. His hair was wet sticking to his neck and forehead,indicating he just had a shower.

I backed away, I stepped onto a creaking step on the staircase. God dammit. My one eye closing like I was in trouble.His attention going to me. We both just stared at each other not knowing what to say.

He got up from his seat in the kitchen walking towards me, on reflex I turned on my heel running up the stairs, I heard his footsteps behind me and Riceballs paw padding quietly too. I tripped on the last step upstairs, catching myself but it was too late I was caught. He grabbed both my hands in his one hand holding them firmly as he turned me and pushed me into the hallway. He stared at me almost longingly. I felt as though I saw regret flash through his eyes but as soon as it was there it was gone, he closed his eyes and swallowed, his Adam's apple moving. Am I the only one that finds it attractive when a guy's Adam's apple is very visible and when it bobs. I felt like touching it.

When I always asked Damien if I could touch his to see how if felt he always told me no. It was so tempting.

I looked up at him straining my neck to meet his eyes, with our heights he towered over me a whole damn lot, I came to his chest area. He shocked me at what he did next. He put his forehead on my shoulder and whispered so softly.

"I am sorry."

My eyes widened but before I could say anything or register what he said, he walked away opening his room door and closing it.

I breathed in a few times noticing something. I looked down to an innocent looking Riceball sitting so adorably on my the landing with his tongue out, making him look like he was mocking me saying 'I just saw what happened.' Well he did. I patted my thigh signaling for him to follow me.

I went into my room locking the door.

I crept underneath my covers sighing. My mind trying to wrap around what just happened, not just what happened now but everything with Kodiak and I. For some reason I felt a bit happy at his apology,maybe there Is a human with emotions underneath this surface of the so called emotionless billionaire.

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