Chapter 26

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"I am so totally, completely, overwhelmingly, eye-poppingly, life-changingly, spectacularly, passionately, deliciously in love with you.” – Unknown

Demelza's POV.

For the rest of the day I avoided the jerk of a bear. I didn't care what he said about Matt because I spent most of my time with Liz and Matt. I think he was a big, gloomy mean bear for the rest of the day.

" There's the Rothschilds Slipper Orchid. "Liz jumped up and down excitedly grabbing me in the process and clicking a photo. I started laughing at her adorableness.

" I should get this for you, so you can get some love in your life. "She smirked at me.

" I should get you lillies so you can get pregnant. "I showed her my tongue as she gasped at me.

" Why are you so on, on me getting pregnant? "She exclaimed.

" Why are you so on, on me getting a boyfriend and love in my life? "I exclaimed back, laughing.

" Because you are going to wind up being an old dog lady for the rest of your life and I want my nieces and nephews from you... And the list goes on and it is so damn long."She whined.

"That would be awesome, I can have so many doggy's of different breeds with me for the rest of my life and never feel alone. You just gave me an idea Liz! And, heyy you are supposed to give me nieces and nephews first." I pointed out as I went to go hug my Riceball.

Especially since you are soon to be married.

I did not know there was a smile etching on my face when thinking such an evil thought.

" That face is scaring me. "She looked at me with wide eyes." But Dem please. I want my nieces and nephews. "She grabbed my arm." And I ain't gonna let you turn into some scary old lady who doesn't want people on their property or land. "

" Rude! "

" I know that's why you love me. "She shrugged going to smell the roses, the beautiful everlasting smell hitting my nose from where I was standing.

I saw Mr. Jones walk up to me and whisper.

" You are to come to the greenhouse miss. "

" Oh okay. Please Mr. Jones just Dem. "I smiled warmly at him as he escorted me to the greenhouse, a curious Liz looking at me suspiciously.

When I got there, everything I had asked for was in there. I smiled goofily at all the beautiful and exquisite decorations.

I am soo excited to start preparation.

"Demelza." Kodiak nodded at me then at the decorations, smirking at me.

"They are amazing." I spoke before he could say anything. He smiled at me knowingly, I just had a feeling he was going to get all cocky with me but before anything could happen an inquisitive Liz burst through the greenhouse doors.

"Okay, you two! What are Your'll hiding from me! I have had it with you being secretive." She exclaimed harshly, my eyes widened at her outburst and catching us.


"Speak up."

Kodiak came behind me and grabbed my hand.

"Liz, calm down."He spoke so calmly. Why can't I have that quality to be so calm!

" Don't tell me to calm down, are you two hiding your relationship of being together, since Your'll keep on meeting up secretly all the time,huh."She walked up to us, glaring us down, I gasped at her accusation.

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