Chapter 11

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"Love is never wanting to lose faith, never wanting to give up, and never truly moving on. Love is knowing and praying in the deepest part of what’s left of your heart that they feel the same.”- Unknown

Demelza's POV.

I ran into the apartment out of breath, frantically looking for Damien.

"What happened?" I shouted exasperatedly.

I walked into the room to find Damien sitting on the couch, his feet on top of the coffee table. I scowled at that. As he sipped on an ice cold cooldrink and smirked at me. What the...

Before I could react someone closed the door behind me and tied something smooth around my hands and eyes, guiding me somewhere into one of the rooms. What was going on?
I felt my anxiety build up when someone pushed me into a chair and took off the blindfold. I stared at the other person through my mirror, my expression turning into a scowl at whom I saw.

Before I could say anything, Liz tied my hands to the chair.

"What are you doing?" I shouted at her.

"You are getting a make over hun."

What's that supposed to mean?

"You forgot didnt you."She said it more like a statement then a question. My face evident I did not know what she was talking about and I was bloody blank.

" Your freaking blind date Bumblebee. "She reprimanded me. My eyes widening. It was today? I don't want to go... Oh how sad for you, you have to go. My subconscious laughed at me.

" So why am I tied up?"I frowned.

"Like you will let me put makeup for you willingly. I am going to give you a makeover." She replied excitedly. I think this was just blown out of proportion.

Why me?
Like really why me?

Liz did my makeup like a makeup artist. She made a wing at the end of my eyes with the eyeliner and gave me a silver smoky look with the eyeshadow.
She poked my eyes when putting mascara for me, I felt like punching her for doing that, I pulled on my restraints. She then went about highlighting my face and putting concealer especially under my eyes where my eye bags were very visible.

When she went to putting this ruby red lipstick on I tried biting her. Yes, biting her. I even missed to bite off the whole lipstick which would have been not so tasty. She was getting annoyed with me so she pushed a handkerchief in my mouth. This felt almost like some kinky stuff.

When she was done violating my face she went on to my hair. She brushed my hair trying to take out knots which was really hard to take out but she did it, then took my Bangs and straightened them and put my hair into a high pony. Yay.

When she was done setting my hair, Damien strolled in sitting on the bed with his jaw dropped.

"Is this really my big sister?" He said mockingly putting both his hands to his face in shock.

"I am going to pull out your hair when Ladybug unties me." I said with vemon lacing my voice.

He laughed taking it like a joke... Well wrong. I really am going to do it.

"Mmm, well if that's the case Damien run and lock the door because she needs to get dressed." He swallowed before rushing to the door and taking the key.

" Poor sis won't be able to fulfill it,boo hoo. "He laughed as he walked out whistling. I heard him lock the door and whatever held me captive slid down.

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