Chapter 8

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"There’s always going to be a girl that’s prettier than you. You just need to find a guy that doesn’t care."

Demelza's POV.

Awkward. Self conscious. That is exactly how I am feeling right now. I look horrible, well from my perspective. These three horrible people just looked at me with awe in their eyes when I came out after getting dressed in this.

Liz made me wear a black, tight fitting dress that stopped hugging me from my hips and down enhancing and showing my assets that I try to hide with my comfy clothes and as promised I wore my black stocking that had a flower pattern on it. She even brought me silver high heels to complete the look, it was the only thing that stood out from my outfit. I put on eyeliner and red lipstick because of the best friend that stood next to me smiling at her victory at hand of getting me to wear this dress.

As soon as we were in the club we ordered twelve shots of tequila, all of us taking three. I  kept on repeating in my head do not drink a lot because I knew my brother and Liz are gonna be drunk as hell,while I and Jeremy stuck to being responsible but then again Jeremy can drive us home. I don't usually or actually drink but for the first time I felt like letting loose. The memory of drinking alcohol for the first time coming to my head and how I vomited all over my room made me shiver and wince. Please don't get too drunk Demelza Ferenz.

I sat at the bar minding my own business, taking glances once in a while to check up on everyone...

When I looked at the dance floor again that was over crowded with people grinding against each other and moving to the beat of the music, the different color lights giving of a mystifying and ecstatic vibe. I soon could not see anyone from our group. I got a little scared, I  cannot be the only one that gets a bit scared when you are left alone in a place.

I pushed my glasses up, taking a sip of a new flavored cocktail I ordered, I heard it tastes incredible that's what the bartender said and I couldn't help but agree, relishing in its taste of passion fruit, pineapple and whatever alcohol they put in here. I think I drank two of them already.

All of a sudden I felt a hand scheme across my back and held my shoulder firmly. I turned around immediately and on reflex I grabbed that hand in the process ready to turn it the other way.

When I looked at the person,he had a black clad suit on and those ear pieces in his ears listening to whatever someone said on the other end. He had sunglasses on, who wears bloody sunglasses in a club?
Probably he is a bodyguard! No shit Sherlock.

"Demelza." He said it more as a statement then a question. Probably I should act like I do not know who that is but then what if he finds out that I lied and comes to kill me.

Damn my imagination and I.

"Umm, that depends who's asking." I challenged back. Mr. Bodyguard smirked at me.

"Please come this way, there is someone who would love to talk to you." He grabbed my elbow gently yet firmly.

"I am sorry, I do not even know who would like to see me nor you and yet you want me to go with you. You could be a kidnapper for all I know. I will not go." I spoke back not wanting to go.

"You are testing my patience here, Miss." He roughly grabbed my one hand pulling me off my seat, I turned around and punched him in his jaw and tugged my hand out of his grip, successfully doing so. I stepped on his foot making sure my high heels did some kind of damage. I heard him hiss and curse under his breath.

I ran, more like wobbled away from the man that now was holding his face and saying something into the ear piece. My attention was so focused on him that I hit into someone. Their broad back looked very well defined and on his neck I could see a tribal tattoo peaking out.

"I-I-I am so sorry..." I stammered scared at what just happened when I looked up, relief washed over me to whom I saw. Alex stared at me confused noting my uneasiness but smiling trying to calm me, it helped just a bit.

"Sweets, You look stunning. How are you?" He spoke pulling me in for a hug. It eased me just a bit more, even though I didn't know him that well he was trustable and God you could not resist those dimples and that gorgeous grin.

"I... Thank okay... You?"

"I am good. How about we go to the bar and get you something to drink or you could sit-" He read me like a book knowing something must have happened.

"No!" I exclaimed immediately. Alex looked at me worried.

"Okay, come and sit with me then." He guided me to a booth that was in the VIP section. A bodyguard moved from our way, allowing us to go through. I saw Kelly sitting there sipping on a sider. I looked around to see Kodiak was not there. Did they only come here? Wait, I do not care.
When Kelly saw me she got up and came to hug me.

" Hi, Dem! "She said with excitement. I hugged her back trying to be as excited as her but I was a little shaken up.

I sat down, seeing there was a bottle of water on the table.

" Umm, can I have it? "I spoke unsure if I could take it or not. I needed water, I could feel my head hurting and my throat parched wanting to get something besides alcohol in me. Can cocktails make you drunk? Alex and Kelly stared at it then at me and then back at the bottle. Umm...

They both grabbed it at the same time.

"Let go brother."Kelly grinded out.
" You let go my dear sister."Alex grinded out also.

"Um, sorry for asking."
They both pushed it towards me. Oh my.

"You can have it." They both grinned at me. Something is fishy. I took it from them anyway and opened it.

"Thank you."

"You are most welcome sweets."
They both sing songed out.

I took a sip of it, it felt really refreshening, it was cool as ice and burned my throat in a delicious way, I could feel it going down to my belly that's how cold it was. There was a hint of mint I tasted when I place my mouth on it. I drank half of the bottle. Feeling a bit better.

The whole time that I drank the bottle of water, Alex and Kelly stared at me intently.

"So what made you look like you were attacked back there?" Alex joked. I was attacked actually by some scary guy that looked like a bodyguard.

"Oh I... Um... I just thought someone was being creepy around me. You know very uncomfortable." I lied. I do not know why, it just felt like I should not tell what happened.

"Did anyone try something on you sweets?" Alex's voice was laced with concern and a bit of anger. I cannot be so readable.

"Uh, no nothing as such." I held up both my hands in surrender.

"You sure you are okay, Dem?" Kelly spoke holding my hand.

"Ye-" I heard the sound of a throat being cleared. Why do I always get cut off. I looked up my eyes meeting with a blank face of Kodiak. I... I did not know how to feel. Emotions came at full force. The way he stared at me showed and looked like he could see right through me. I kind of hated not being able to be like him and mask all my emotions. My emotions and everything. I swallowed involuntarily.

He wore black jeans that hugged his thighs so sexily and a grey dress shirt, his sleeves rolled up. Tattoos on both his forearms that were so hot. His hair was how he usually had it which looked so soft and running your fingers through it so tempting. What's wrong with me? Stop thinking such wierd thoughts. I am blaming alcohol.

Well would you look at that, it must be fate we keep meeting everywhere I go. I could feel the alcohol I had kick in even though I just drank water. Oh yes, you were supposed to put lemon in the water. Well that's what I heard, hey it was my first time getting this drunk over bloody damn cocktails.


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