Chapter 10

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"There is a story behind every little emotion that a person experiences in life. You are the most beautiful story behind the emotion of love in my heart." - Winnie Kings

Demelza's POV.

I woke up to the sound of whistling in my kitchen, my head not hurting that much as it should have from all the alcohol I drank. I was careless. All the memories of last night flooded back to me, my face turning bright red.

When Damien and I got home we were singing at the top of our lungs the smurf song, getting reprimanded and shouted at by my neighbors.

I got up and went to the toilet. I really needed to pee. After I finished my business I brushed my teeth and took a nice shower only half way through for it to turn ice cold. One person to blame:Damien.

I sighed changing up in a sweater and sweatpants and putting on fuzzy socks.
When I got to the kitchen I was met with the delecacy of bacon and eggs, my hands going straight for a piece of bacon only for someone to swat my hand.

"Good morning sleepy head." Damien was quite chirpy, I expected a hangover from him. This guy got a high tolerance for alcohol unlike me. Noted, I know.

"Morning." I grumbled out.

"That is mine, so you know go make your own."

"That I bought with my money, soo I have a fair share of it as well and you know what go buzz off." I said taking a piece of bacon and putting it in my mouth. The salty, crispyness of the bacon tingled my tastebuds deliciously.

"Bzzzzzzzzzzzz." Damien mimicked a bee as he walked past me to go get plates for us to eat in, winking my way when I rolled my eyes. He brought the utensils and plates for both of us, dishing out as much as we both wanted.

We then sat on the couch putting the TV on, an adorable Riceball stared at us expectantly. Who could resist puppy eyes?

"Stay. Roll over. Bite Damien."

"Hey whats wrong with you!?" Damien glared. It's not like Riceball would bite Damien anyway, after all he was a sucker to males.

"Good boy." I excitedly spoke to Riceball, I threw him pieces of bacon while I was eating, not going overboard with it though .

I glanced down at my phone, noticing  I had gotten a text from Matt.

Sorry for this Dem but I need you at the office today.

No problem I will be there. I typed out.

I quickly ate up my breakfast as I rushed to my room.

Getting dressed in a black dress pants and nude blouse matching with a pair of black flats.

Riceball ran excitedly thinking he would be coming to the office with me but he took a detour jumping on top of Damien. I feel hurt by that.

"Wash the dishes." I shouted out as I closed the door only hearing a 'blah, blah, blah'. He will be murdered if they are not washed.

As I made it into the office, Gwen was frantically typing away. I waved at her but all she did was smile then go back to her work.

I wonder what happened.

I knocked on Matt's office door hearing him say come in.

"I need you to get me the files for the partnership. Dominguez changed the signing of the partnership for today." Matt spoke with irritation in his voice. Not even a hello.


"Yes sir." I went about photocopying the papers out. I walked into the board room setting everything up, I stacked all the main papers at the head of the table where Matt would be sitting.

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