Chapter 12

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"Women wish to be loved not because they are pretty, or good, or well bred, or graceful, or intelligent, but because they are themselves”-Henri Frederic Amiel

Demelza's POV.

Boring. More boring and guess what more boring. We ordered our dinner and ate in silence. I ordered a delicious Pasta which I give credit to the chef. He ordered steak and roasted vegetable. The only time he talked was when I asked a question which was getting annoying as hell.
You know if he didn't want to go on this date why come.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom so I could actually breath.

When I exited the bathroom a man was leaning on the wall in a Grey suit matching with a colorful tie which suited him. His hair was jet black and eyes a dark blue. He looked handsome but what caught my attention was the scar on his face. He smiled at me. Wait he smiled at me?
Oh my, I was staring. My eyes widened.

"I am so sorry, that's soo rude." I panicked.

"Oh my, it is fine but I must say you are quite the feisty one, aren't you." He chuckled.

Huh? I must have looked confused because he carried on speaking.

"I heard how you told your boyfriend."

So he was the guy laughing in the back of me. I burst out laughing.

"Boyfriend!? Nope, not at all like hell I would get or have a boyfriend like that."

He laughed at that. He seemed like the type of guy not to trust but was very friendly.

I excused myself going back to Mr. Jerk face.

I sat down, noticing dessert was already there. Yummy. It was creme Brulee. It was creamy and fluffy and made perfectly.

I took a bite of it already enjoying the taste as I gobbled it up. I sighed in content after I was done.

Martin stared at me the whole way through eating it. I laughed nervously.

"Tell me about yourself."

"Huh?" Am I hearing right.

"I don't like repeating myself."

Well okay then, just say whatever comes to your head Dem.

"Let's see...I love the colour red and every kind of food is my favorite. I love animals so much and..." I spoke getting lost in my own world finally realizing I never let him talk.


"What about you?"

He stared at me annoyed but still answered me.

"I like the colour orange. I dislike animals and I have a wide variety of dishes I love.There's not much about me so go on."

"What do you do?"

"I owned this restaurant sweetheart." My eyes widened.

"Ohh." I was speechless. Damn. I told such bad stuff to the owner.

"Now that we have done having dinner I am sure our date is over." He stated. Still jerk face.


"If that is the case I will drop you off at home." There was like double meaning to that.

Wow. I payed as I said I would to which he looked irritated.

His hand hung dangerously low to my ass. I felt uncomfortable and moved out of his grip.

"You know my friend phoned and said they were outside so I am going to go with my friend."  He looked at me.

"I will escort you outside if that is the case." Shit.

We walked outside, the wind howling as it fought with the trees roughly.

I looked around and saw Grey suit guy opening his car.

I ran as fast as I could in Martin's grip. The sound of my shoes must have made him notice that I was there because He looked up staring at me, expectantly.

" See my friend. "I gestured to Martin this savior who was here, the hand he was holding around my waist with dug into my skin. I tried to move but he kept me in place. What the hell? Where did Liz find this asshole.

I felt a hand grip my hand, I looked up to meet with blue eyes. He smiled at me. He looked at Martin who immediately let go of me and walked away fast...Cool.

"You okay? Miss.."

"Oh, Demelza and you are? Thank you by the way otherwise I would have been raped. " I shuddered at the thought.

"That is a gorgeous name. Derek Flynn. The pleasure is mine." He bowed. Gentleman much? It was attractive.

"Oh thank you. Yours is very manly and badass."

"Why thank you." He chuckled.

"Well I better get going."

"Where to?"

"Fairytale land." I deadpanned.

He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Just joking. At the bus stop."

"It's dangerous to walk to the bus stop at this time and I am sure the man you were would, would probably come back so come along, I will take you home." He is jinxing me!

"What if it's out of your way?"

"Well you better tell me then..."

I gave him the address three blocks from mine. I still got a bad vibe from him for some reason, which I felt bad for having. He has been nothing but sweet to me.

His car was a Ferrari and the inside was neat and the seats were covered in leather. I wanted to look at the engine of it, to see if it was actually as good as it looked in pictures or zar magazines. I like cars to a certain extent,  but my Favorite is GTR. The interior smelt of leather and a sweet scent of nectar. We made small talk while he drove me home, my thoughts were somewhere else though, Flynn, where had I heard that name before. When he dropped me off I said goodbye to him.

"Not goodbye but see you soon."

I laughed but said it not seeing the double meaning behind it,as I walked into the apartments that weren't mine. I waited for him to leave to which he did after seeing me go inside I waited five more minutes then left and walked home. When I walked in Damien hugged me and ruffled my hair while Liz gave me a bear hug knowing it was horrible.

"Tell us about it."

"One word:'horrible'." I air quoted horrible putting emphasis.

I told them everything even about my saviour. Their expression switching from one to the next. Their eyes all fantasized when I told them about Derek.

"I'm so sorry. He was so nice and all when I talked to him. He seemed like a nice guy. Guess he is a fake asshole." Liz looked pissed off.

"I told you I did not like that guy. We should have put her on a date with the guy I met at the-" Liz blocked his mouth with her hand.


Who now? What was that about?

She let go of him and ate a popcorn. I just need to take a nice shower and dress comfortably and just sleep. I did exactly that. Wiping away the makeup Liz worked hard to put on and folded the dress neatly. It was a waste. Probably I was very unattractive. It seemed as though these days people are more interested in looks rather then in personality.

Well I am okay with not having a love life, I have been without one for this long so I see no heed to change it.

Liz took a shower after me coming to sleep next to me. We talked about anything in particular, her making me laugh to put me in a better mood. One thing was for sure with me though, No more blind dates for me.

I slept away letting sleep hug me like a  soft blanket.

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