Chapter 3

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"I'm afraid to lose you even though you're not mine."

Kodiak's POV.

The only reason I went to the meeting today was to see Demelza and for this business venture, the thing is I didn't even want to agree to it but the shareholders thought it was a good idea, as well as my father.

After Demelza's little stunt with the coffee to avoiding and hiding from me, I would say it was about time to show her she cannot hide for long from me and that things cannot always go her way.

As I worked on my laptop and signed files my thoughts kept on going back to her. My heart clenched when I saw  her cry, I wanted so bad to wipe her tears away. When I had her trapped by her office door I wanted to just embrace her in a way of comfort but also dirty thoughts played on my mind especially with the way her eyes held defiance in them.

I did not know what to say when her stomach growled. For some odd reason it was quite laughable especially with how serious the atmosphere was.

But, No I did not do all that. I could not even if I wanted to. I held my restraint.

And any way even if I wanted to do that I would not be able to portray it. I do not even know how to comfort anyone. I may think all these thoughts but I do not withhold any emotion to show it. Deep down I know I do but instead of embracing it, I push it down into abyss where there is no return. I am not acting like these douchebags that just say it to act all high with great over the top egos or whatever they do that for. I really cannot. I do not even remember the last time I smiled a proper smile, probably when my mother was alive.

Ever since I was nine years old I abandoned emotions for many reasons but that did not stop me from making my younger brother and sister happy, being there for them and not harmed in anyway from this reched world. Not making them lose their carefree persona and emotions.

I did all of this because I did not get this when I was little, not exactly ideal being the first born. I went through so many things that a nine year old innocent child should have never gone through so I made it my duty to protect my younger siblings.

They are everything to me.

I leaned back in my office chair,  wondering about what she might be doing right now and if she was okay. I also thought about how feisty she is and not to mention her stubborn ways or when she gives me attitude and that determination she always has in her eyes. She is so easy to read, an open book is what she is. Completely transparent. She wears her emotions on her sleeve and is very lively when it comes to showing them. This made the side of my mouth twitch up slightly only for it go away immediately... I still disliked her.

The first time we met she intentionally dropped tomato sauce on me, there was no mistake at all here especially when she stepped on my foot. How can two incidents come from one person in a span of a day  and be accidental?

Sasha, my Personal assistant walked, no more like catwalked into my office, not even knocking. Her face caked up in makeup but it suited her,although  I prefer women who are natural and do not use makeup or other cosmetics. She wore a short, hot pink pencil skirt, and a buttoned up blouse, well besides for the first two buttons opened making her breasts look like they were going to pop out at any moment and her high heels clicking on the floor. I thought about what Demelza wears and she is soo conservative about her body and very different compared to Sasha.
This made me think back to what she told me in the boardroom,making my jaw clench.

" Next time knock Miss. Bloom or there will not be a next time time you ever come into my office." I spoke to her coldly.

"Sorry, sir." she drawled out seductively, there was a hint of her being frightened in it. She smiled at me happily anyway and gave me a fancy, gold engraved envelope with her manicured nails painted bright pink and hands brushing my shoulders with her hands lightly. She is too clingy. I tried not to sigh at her irritation.

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