Chapter 36

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"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell.”― Joan Crawford

Demelza's POV.

I sat infront of the breakfast bar helping Nancy to mix different colors of cake mixture, she was so into making a rainbow cake.

" It feels so nice having another woman here. "She smiled sadly looking down at the blue cake mixture. What did she mean by that? Did Kodiak not have relationships  before where his girlfriends used to come over? I was about to speak up when she continued, surprising me.

"I have never seen Kodiak act like how he acts with you. It's so refreshening, he looks almost happy even though he doesn't like to show it. He is always so serious, especially when he was small... Sometimes I wish Claudia was still alive." She sighed.

"What happened to Kodiak's mum? He seems very fond of her." I slowly spoke, not wanting to come off as impulsive. Her hand stopped mixing the cake mix and closed her eyes, almost a wash of pain falling over her face making me regret asking.

"You don't have to answer that..."

"Oh no, it's fine dear..."She took a slow pause."When he was nine... he accompanied  me to the airport while George stayed behind with Alex and Kelly. He was soo carefree and happy back then. He loved his mum a lot, she was the only one who understood him but he had to mature up and become serious at such a young age and do never the things that Alex and Kelly did. "She took a deep breath in." It was a private area... we were waiting outside but far enough from the plane..." A tear slipped down her face and my heart constricted, having an idea of what happened. "I don't know what went wrong but the whole plane exploded and his father only managed to get out.  He hates his father for that exact reason, he feels that his father is a heartless man who only thought about himself then about Claudia and because after her death his father became more tough on him, more cold. His father was heartbroken and did not know what to do, other then to keep on burying himself in work. I just wish Kodiak could give him a chance. "

" That day at the funeral, I saw how cold and distant he acted, thinking it was just a phase but that did not seem like that. It was as though he buried his emotions so deep inside him that now he cannot even find them and tends to look so much more ruthless... Heartless... Emotionless to the whole world even sometimes to those he holds close to his heart. If only they knew that he does hurt, does laugh..." Tears fell down her face that she quickly wiped away and smiled. Only when she touched my cheeks did I notice that tears had unknowingly fell down from my eyes.

I... Didn't know what to say or think... Is this why he is like this? He thinks that everything that is around him, burns infront of him like a inferno and thats why he keeps his distant. He does not like to show his emotions because he feels like it makes him weak and that he does not deserve love, that too anything good to happen to him. I felt horrible, that was not even close to what I felt, for judging him before even knowing his story, calling him an emotionless asshole and asking him questions unknowningly that must have actually hurt him.

"Claudia's anniversary is coming up soon, if he acts rude towards you, don't take it to heart, will you? He is a good boy with a big heart even though he is sometimes difficult." She smiled slowly. "Claudia would have really loved you, Demelza." She hugged me, catching me by surprise.

At the same time, Kodiak walked in staring at our interaction, both of us composing ourselves before looking at him. It seemed he noticed something was off because, I being a dead give away, could not look him in the eye.

" What is the great Nancy baking today?" He smirked, dropping his finger into the red bowl that I was holding. "Mmhmm, dark chocolate." He glanced at both of us.

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