Chapter 7

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"True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does.”

Demelza's POV.

It is finally Friday and my whole body is screaming for me to go home after a long day of work to my bed and eat junk food, watch movies and fall into a deep slumber where my whole body becomes one with the bed.

I had been getting this feeling that someone was watching me everytime I left work and today was no exception and I left later then usual due to a big project we were working on and also the partnership.

It was uncomfortable, the stares but it had a feel to it of looking out for me... Wierd. Riceball growled but eased up somehow everytime we left the building and got in the car.

Finally be both got home. I took off my shoes and blazer sloppily, falling onto my couch and sighing with content with all these comfortable plush pillows engulfing me. I love plush pillows, like who in their right minds don't like plush pillows!? I put the TV on, going into my hard-drive, opening up the file that had all my movies. I scrolled through the movies, I put Avengers Endgame on and quickly went to my kitchen and brought two packets of chips, a packet of jellybabies and coke. I am ready to gain an extra few pounds even though I do not want them.

I cried my heart out when Tony Stark died, he is my favorite. Like why? I had a packet full of tissues already filling up to the brim and I was still crying. Maybe I was a tad bit over exaggerating but I had a good reason for doing it. This was one of the best movies ever. Best is an understatement. When the movie finished my phone started ringing. Why!?
I groaned out lazily. I should throw my phone at the wall. Like hell I am not going to do that, do you know that I bought this phone with my own well earned money.

When I looked at the caller, I screamed into a pillow before answering.

"What?" I barked out. Wrong time to catch me.

"Whoa. Is Aunt Flo near or something? Wait are you crying?" My brother, Damien faked shock, chuckling.

"How about I punch you, then you can find out?" I said very sweetly.

"Let me guess you were watching Endgame again? Oh really, please do big sis. I sure do miss you fighting with me like some little groot because of your shortness." Damien said smugly. Wow.

"Yes." I sniffled. "Oh I am Definitely punching you! So what do you want anyway, you disturbed my reverie of watching movies and relaxing?" I spoke lazily, putting my phone on speaker and finding a more comfortable position. I looked for another movie that could make me stop my emotional behavior. I put Mulan on smiling happily as it started.

" I am coming over for my break before the next semester starts. Spend some quality time with my too Keep. On. The. Safe. Side. Sister. So come pick me up tomorrow in the morning at nine. Got it." Damien was in his last year of college studying for a business degree.

"And you are too irresponsible." I reprimanded. "Okay I will but you are buying me breakfast." I exclaimed with no argument in my voice.

Damien dramatically sighed but still agreed. I cut the call after saying goodbye and finished watching Mulan. I love this movie it goes to show that women do not need to rely on men and can do whatever they want on their own. Hashtag independent. I put off everything and threw away all the packets and somehow managed to get my lazy self to bed. I took a hot shower before hand and brushed my teeth.

I only managed to put on a long t-shirt and I fell off to sleep, dreaming of candy land. Now I feel like eating marshmallows, smores and chocolate. What is wrong with me? Maybe Damien cursed me and now Aunt Flo might be coming.

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