Chapter 2

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"people will try to tell you who you are. Don't believe that shit."

Demelza's POV

Do- doof, do- doof, do- doof.

My heart rate picked up immensely.

No this cannot be happening. I did not expect him to be here, they said a representative from his company was coming in his stead. Not him, himself. Kodiak strolled towards the opposite side, to the head of the table and sat down. His strides long and composed, his demeanor calm and collected. Myself on the other hand, my hands were sweating profusely and my heart rate was sky rocketing. I felt my legs seemingly turn into jello and my body go stiff.

All I knew was that he was going to make it hard for me to seal this deal whilst silently tormenting me.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Shall we begin?"

Everyone nodded in the board room, Kodiak's eyes fixed on me the whole time. Is this supposed to make me feel intimated? Well yes, and it’s working! But like hell I'm going to show that.

I started off the presentation by informing the board members about the hotel construction we were going into partnership with, combing through all the fine details and plan's thoroughly.

"As you can see this deal will benefit both of our stock profits and income fluidity whilst-"

"In the slight likelihood that this little idea fails dismally, what of it then? Hmm?", Kodiak said professionally and with his business tone. Nobody said anything, more like didn't dare to say anything. It was just him and I discussing this now.

I composed myself and gave the best answer I could respond with to that question.

"Well it will work out. As you can see we have thoroughly gone through this procedure for the partnership investment. People all over the globe will come to see this hotel and not just rich people who think they are the only one’s entitled to afford and stay in such luxury. We are all equal and this hotel will reinforce that very principal. It is not just the people whom will be benefiting from this project but also our companies will benefit from this investment. Who would not want to see two well renowned companies joining together to build and create something worth while. This portrays to the media that we can actually work together even though there is rivalry between both our companies and with this accompanies the well earned publicity. Everyone would be intrigued by this-" I was suddenly cut off...

"As promising as you make it sound, may l inquire as to why your CEO himself is non-existant in this meeting for such a big deal negotiation that you claim to have made it? Yet instead, he sends his little incapable, low life PA to do his work. How Pathetic."

Everyone started whispering and some(all) agreeing with him.

Well that stung. My eyes became watery and glassy. I swallowed hard trying to act like I was not affected. I swallowed hard again. I felt so hurt by his words, it was like my heart was getting stabbed repeatedly. There was no need to bring my career or work ethics into this. I will not cry infront of this bastard nor infront of any of these inferior sheep in the room. I have my dignity to uphold and I will not let this tarnish my company. I will never give up, I am not as weak as people take me to be. You know what they say, do not judge a book by its cover.

" Mr. Steele has informed everyone beforehand why he could not make it and whilst I-I am not Mr. Steele. I take my work seriously and if you have a problem Mr. Dominguez, please take it up with my boss. Yet, I highly doubt it is of any relevance to you how I work because I do not work for you and your preferences is very different from that of Mr. Steele’s from what I gather so it would not be your concern in the slightest." I gave a glance at Sasha, his annoying personal assistant. "Now if you may please excuse me, we will continue with the next meeting when Mr. Steele is here." I said, pushing up my glasses.

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