Chapter 13

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"I love you. You annoy me more than I ever thought possible, but… I want to spend every irritating minute with you"

Kodiak's POV.

I sat in a black leather chair waiting for them to bring the so called mail boy.

One of my trusted bodyguards brought him in. I looked him over, he was very scrawny and thin and looked very scared. How Sad.

I signaled my bodyguards to leave, leaving him alone with me.

"Sit." I told him.

He looked hesitant but after a few seconds he sat down.

"Now. Let's get straight to the point who sent you to give me the letter. I would advice you not to lie it will cause your situation to get worse."

"M-my boss gave me the card saying I-I must give it to the Dominguez company. Please I never do anything wrong."

"Who's your boss?" I spoke coldly. You could see he was lying.

"U-Umm... Mr. Jacob's."

I chuckled with no humor in my voice. How could someone take so long to answer about who their boss was?

"I told you not to lie. Now..." I got up walking up to him and putting both my hands on both sides of the chair.
"Tell me, or I will forcefully get it out of you." I smiled. Did it even count as a proper smile if it was an emotionless smile? Never mind that.

He pursed his lips, terror crossing his face.

"A man came up to me when I was delivering mail, he told me to give this letter to your company and paid me for not saying who he was..." He was trying to bargain with me.

"So you want money. Very well. Name your price." This boy was nothing but a greedy money sucker. It's sad that a kid like him would think just about money and he was not the type of person you would get that would be using it for their education.

"He gave me $2000 so it's only fair for you to give me triple the amount, in cash of course, not some cheque."

I stared at him blankly. It was a low price I nodded to one of my Bobyguards, Josh, that was standing inside to go and get it.

When he came back he gave me the suitcase.

I opened it showing this annoyance the money. His eyes looking at it greedily.

" Mr. Flynn. "

I knew it. This bastard wanted to play with fire again.

I gave him the money, before he left I exteagrdd out more information from him and gave him a message to send over to Derek Flynn. He obviously is a minion of Derek's.

I looked at my phone seeing Jeremy phone me.

"Hey man, I  hope you are packed for Mauritius."

"Yes don't worry, I will meet you there when I get there."

I sighed, Jeremy somehow convinced me to go. I did not want to go, I was going to be third wheeling the lovely couple. But since this is Jeremy we are talking about he made a deal I could not refuse. There was a businessman who wanted to do business with me, which perked my interest up.

I left the basement that was located in a warehouse away from the city. I got into my GTR34 leaving to go to my house. I walked in, the old, fragile women that handled my house smiled at me warmly. She has always been there for me from the time my mother died.

"Nancy." I smiled.

"Oh Kodiak, you need to bring a women into your life. Give this place some life." She smiled at me but spoke seriously.

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