Chapter 18

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"I’ve seen you over and over again; in the halls, in my thoughts, in my dreams, but most importantly, in my heart."

Demelza's POV.

" Kelly? "I whispered out, not trying to startle her. She looked up immediately wiping away more tears that flowed down her face like a river.

" Oh hey Dem..."I ignored her as I walked up to her and rubbed her back in a comforting way.

" Are you okay? Okay forget that, you are not okay. What happened?"I spoke with concern.

" D-definitely. Actually I ate this really hot dish at the buffet and it's really hot. "She laughed nervously and fanned herself to emphasis on it being food. I stared at her blankly.

" Yeah right. Now tell me what really is wrong. I am like a sister to you aren't I? So you cannot keep things from me. "I pulled her to a couch near the door of the bathroom, sitting down and waiting expectantly for her to talk.

" Where do I start... "She looked down exasperatedly.

I smiled at her." Wherever you want to start. "

" W-well you see I met a certain someone after a long time and when I went to talk to this certain someone because that person asked me to meet them but when I did he made me feel so horrible and when I tried to explain my reasons for happened a long time back he didn't want to hear a thing. A-and... "She started crying again.

" I'm so sorry. What did he tell you? "
I pulled her into a hug as she continued speaking.

" That I am nothing to him anymore and he has moved on and that I always use my brothers as leverage to get me out of situations that get serious. Which is not true at all. I do not do that. All I wanted to do was explain things to him but he seemed so upset. I still love him... "

" Well you could have caught him at a wrong time or he truly is an idiot. If you love someone after such a long time since then, then you should not ignore it and if he can't see that he loves you then he is blind. What if he is afraid to get near you again because he does not want to get hurt again. You know men act tough but they are also vulnerable deep down. "I looked down at her as I patted her back, her eyes held realization as she took in my words.

" You are right. "She spoke with contemplation.

" Hmm. Well we should be getting back before people start to wonder where the bloody hell we are. "I laughed as we both got up and I helped her with her makeup, from what I actually knew about it.

" Thanks Dem you really are the best. "I laughed nervously at her compliment. I never got compliments like this and when I did I become really shy.

" Welcome. " My stomach rumbled and grumbled fiercely and my eyes widened. I had not eaten lunch because we were preparing for the gala. Kelly pulled me with her, I kept on asking where we were going but she just shook her head and laughed.

Soon we came to the buffet section. There was full of different foods of every kind there, my eyes lingering on everything but my eyes caught sight of these adorable cupcakes that had bumblebee's on them with a honey design on it and 'Hunny' written on it.

I picked it up and took a bite of it, moaning at the taste. There was a taste of honey and cinnamon in it making me take another bite. I ate It happily only to choke on a piece when someone shouted out a 'boo' behind me. I coughed as I turned around only to see Alex who was getting whacked on the head by his little sister for startling me and her almost ruining his hair.

Kelly gave me a flute of champagne to ease the coughing which helped.

"Hi sweets." Alex hugged me, smiling charmingly.

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