Chapter 21

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"Love is supposed to be based on trust, and trust on love, it’s something rare and beautiful when people can confide in each other without fearing what the other person will think.” ― E.A. Bucchianeri.

Kodiak's POV.

I did not even know what this so called meeting was all about. Everyone was confused especially Jeremy's representative who came on his behalf since he planned something for Liz since they have not had time for each other.

Derek smiled the whole way through the meeting sitting opposite me.

What the hell.

I had a bad feeling that what this meeting was about it would effect everyone besides Derek.

"Thank you for coming, especially at such a short notice to this meeting." Mr. Clark the host of the whole gala event said.

It was on the tip of my tongue to say it was not our choice. My father listened intently to everything as was I, both of our Jaws clenching at what we heard next.

" We were thinking about the partnership with Flynn Corps and Dominguez Corps. 50/60 split of profit since Mr. Flynn came up with this idea and this was his condition."

"We shall pass." I spoke immediately, my father holding my hand down. I knew he was assessing the situation.

"And what about our conditions?"My father spoke his eyes on Derek.

" Oh my, of course. Till we both come to a conclusion and agreement. I am not so horrible. All I want is a share that is all. "He smirked.

The shares in our company were split by my siblings and I and I would never allow him to take my siblings shares.

" Why would we want to even do this with you."I said more as a statement then a question.

" Remember when we both just took over our fathers businesses, we both signed a contract saying that once we were settled in we would join in a little treaty in each other's companies. Ring a bell Kodiak. "

My eyes darkened. How dare he bring up a thing that took place long time ago when we were once friends.

" That cannot count anymore since we tore up the contract. "

" Ah, but I have another copy of it with our signatures. "

That cannot be. I got rid of everything after he betrayed me.

My father sighed.

"If that is the case, then I guess we cannot argue. But..."

He looked up at Derek and everyone else in the room.

"I would like to talk to Mr. Flynn alone. So if you all would please excuse us."

I was pissed off. I was on the edge of punching him, the vein on my neck becoming more visible.

Everyone got up and left.

"I would like to see this contract."

Derek and I glared down one another.

"Of course." He pulled it out from a blue portfolio.

"I will be keeping this, I am sure you have got anothet copy." My father spoke with authority.

"Indeed I do."

"Then this is all settled." My father got up leaving us behind. I know exactly what the plan was we were going to look for a clause that says under what conditions can we forfeit the agreement and I knew something like this would happen so I kept the real contract with me, after everything that happened between us I guess it was an intuition to keep it.

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