Chapter 1

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"My eyes saw you, but damn. Did my soul feel you."

Demelza's POV

Two months later.

The warm sun's rays bathed me in it's warmth like a relaxing bubble bath but irritated my eyes, making me turn my body to the other side of the bed. I relished in the feeling of the cool sheets against my bare skin, making me submerge my semi awoken self fully into it's comforting coolness.

I woke up with a growing smile spread across my face almost instantly. I felt wet kisses being placed on my face and cheeks. I lazily opened my eyes, feeling groggy from being woken up. My eye sight blurred due to my blindness yet I came face to face with a pair of beautiful hazel brown eyes, accompanied by an amazing smile framing his face, his playful side coming out to play.

All of a sudden, he jumped on top of me, putting all his weight on me below in one swift move. "Riceball!" I let out a raspy laugh, giggling happily. Making his tail wag vigorously with excitement.

Psych! Hehe. Got you there, didn't l?

You thought it was a guy in the beginning, right?

Meet Riceball, an adorable mop of fur and the love of my life, he is a Maltese poodle with a big heart. Albeit, he has a big attitude problem. Especially if you tell him to 'come here', he will just look at you and give this look that says "Eh, No." I had gotten him as a present when I turned eighteen, my mum gave him to me claiming it was from a special someone. It made me wonder what she meant but I took it as a line used to make the gift sound more appealing and exciting.

I reach across with my hand to my nightstand and feel for my thick, black rimmed glasses. Finally finding it. I set it upon the bridge of my nose, everything becoming as clear as day.

I looked at the time on my phone only for my eyes to widen to the size of saucers. Shit. I'M LATE!

I took off my glasses, immediately putting it back onto my nightstand. Great.

I got up as quick as lightning, jumped into the shower but first did all my toiletry rituals, not wasting a single millisecond. I must say, that was the quickest shower I have ever had. No, I lie, I had on a few occasions, where I was actually kind of late and had to shower quickly. I am quite the heavy sleeper so what do you expect. I have to put at least five alarms on for me to wake up and I guess I slept through all my alarms today, usually I wake up on the third or fourth one. I have been a bit stressed out lately, making me a little disorientated. I should get one of those alarms that spray water on you or something when it goes off. And if you are going to say something about being punctual, I am going to have to say I agree but then again, no one is perfect.

I quickly changed into a black pencil skirt that fell just below my knees, accompanied by black stockings to match, a white dress shirt that I tucked into my skirt and put on a pair of black pumps. Makeup? No I do not use that stuff, the only makeup items I have ever gotten close to using was eyeliner, lipstick and I just decide to settle for a little lip gloss to not make myself look plain but I guess I did look plain with just lip gloss... Oh well. I cleaned my glasses before putting them on. I then called Matt, my boss, and told him that I would be running a bit late.

As I ran to the door, I tripped on Riceball' s squeaky toy, dropping my bag on the floor but catching myself mid-way through. It looked like I was proposing to the door. Score one for me not falling so far! I picked up my bag stuffing in my phone, my notebook and any essentials I caught a glimpse of that I needed, shoving it in, in a hurry. I locked the door behind me once I had Riceball on his leash. We ran inside the elevator before it closed on us. Let's be grateful everything was going well so far. Like hell it was! I had a feeling it was going to get worse or am I just being paranoid?

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