Chapter 35

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Hiii guys❤️sorry for taking soo long but I was actually trying to complete more then just one chapter (I got soo many rough drafts) 😅. Well I love all of your comments and mature content it is! I am working on their romantic and  when they confess scenes! And I'm pretty damn right loving them😂. I just hope I don't disappoint😂.  Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter❤️.

"I knew why love was always described with eternity. A single minute stretched out for lifetimes.” ― Shannon A. Thompson

Demelza's POV.

I sat in the living room on my laptop completing a bit of work and trying to draft up all my notes for Matt on a new business venture. I honestly miss my junk food and I am so in the mood for a packet of chips, which was nowhere to be found in the kitchen. I was a tad bit lazy to go through all the cupboards hunting for a packet of chips, a delicious packet of chips. I also didn't want to bother Nancy or anyone of them for that matter since all of them seemed to be really busy.

I looked down at my appearance, who cares if I am wearing a long sleeve shirt with yoga pants and fluffy socks? You should be comfortable in what you are wearing and I am damn right comfortable right now.

I jumped off the couch rushing to the mud room, pushing my feet through  a pair of shoes and hastily putting on my jacket about to dart out but I was pulled back gently by a hand that grabbed the hat of my jacket. Grrr.

"Where do you think you are going?" An almost rough and tired voice spoke.

"Uhh... Nowhere?"

"Ferenz." He spoke sharply.

"Fine." After contemplating what to say I decided to make it vague. "I need to buy something really important from the supermarket." This sounded like I needed to buy pads or tampons.

I turned around slowly, Kodiak wore a navy blue buttoned up shirt, the first two buttons opened with blue jeans and with a very, very tired face screaming I need a nap! Either way he still looked so devilishly handsome.

If only he saw how I looked when I was tired. I was the definition of a non - decomposed zombie and I wasn't actually hunting to eat someone else's brains because honestly I had brains, very smart and intelligent brains.

"I'll take you." He pulled out a car key from his pocket. Was he also going somewhere?

"I am pretty sure I can go by myself." I am not going to just become dependent on someone when I know I can do it myself that too even if I am staying in his home.

"Do no bother. I don't have a problem with you going out or doing anything but the least you could do is tell me where you are going without just leaving like what you were doing right now...I can take you where you want to go Ferenz  its not a problem either. If I were you I would accept help sometimes instead of always acting tough and wanting to do things on your own all the time but actually I am not helping you I am simply giving you a ride because it is not out of my way since I also need to go somewhere as well. So if it helps your ego let's call it a favor to be returned." He started walking away, running his fingers through his hair. I stood frozen to the spot. That sort of hurt and offended me in a very weird way. I do not have a ego problem?! He stopped when he noticed I was not following him.

" Close your mouth before a fly goes in. Come along Ferenz." That tone pissed me off as I stomped furiously with each step making sure he heard it. I swear to God if I see him smirking, I will punch him. You know about closing my mouth because a fly will go in? Well please fly do come because its even more wider now. When he put the garage lights on, my mouth and whole body was rendered speechless.

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