Chapter 15

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"Yes we are imperfect but true love will make everything perfect. There are few things in life that i care for beyond life, one of them is love and the other is you"

Kodiaks POV.

I did not get any sleep at all last night.
What the fuck is wrong with me? I actually apologized to someone for the first time in my life. Demelza is ruining my well composed life... I don't know what to think right now.

I sighed as I rolled out of bed and ran my hands through my hair.
I got up going to take a cold shower so I could give myself a boost to take away my tiredness. The cold water cascaded down my body, I breathed. I thought back to how wet she looked under the shower and how the robe clung to her and how her nipples hardened at the coldness of the water and tiled shower wall or the way her eyes were all innocent yet had a tinge of her enjoying every second. Damn, and the way she fitted so perfectly against me. Fuck. I felt myself harden. I put the shower on extra cold, hoping it would help.

New resolution.

Don't let her come near me.
Stay away from her.
Get her out of my sight and life to a certain extent so I can go back to my well composed, non disorientated life.

I closed the shower, tying a towel around my waist as I walked out to go and get my clothes for the beach. I put on my clothes buttoning up my white shirt.

A knock sounded at the door.

Not caring who it was I went to opening the door my eyes lingering over a certain somebodies body that was only in a long shirt and shorts underneath that were not showing that much. I was transported back to what transpired last night again. Imagine her in my shirts. No. Forget it Kodiak.

"What do you want?" I spoke flatly, walking back inside.

She looked like she was contemplating something. Her face was flustered and she kept on looking at my forearms where my tattoos were as I rolled up my shirts sleeves. Hmm.

If she as going to bring up the apology, I will literally push her out lightly and close the door or I would tell her something I will be bound to regret again.

" If you have nothing to say, you may leave."

I looked at her waiting for her to talk.

"You should try wearing a casual shirt to the beach, not that I am complaining." Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth.

"Is it?" I walked up to her. "You should speak for yourself. Are you going like that?" My eyes darkened.

She swallowed.

"This is not what I came to tell you."

"Oh but that was the first thing out of your little mouth. I thought that is why you came here to see what I am wearing or to admire me." I spoke sarcastically,no cockiness lacing my voice. There is a vast difference between cockiness and confidence and I am the latter but of course there are humerous moment that count for being Cocky but I know my limit on it.

Her eyes flashed with anger. Ah, she is back.

"Listen here asshole. I did not come hear to tell you how handsome you are or whatever. I came to just say we are all leaving in the next fifteen minutes."

"So you do think I am handsome, how sweet of you." I turned around going to get my phone.

"Urrgghhh." The frustration was evident.

"You know we have fifteen minutes and here you are still in my room, not even dressed. Unless..." I looked her up and down. "You are going like that."
I looked at my messages seeing there were texts from my siblings.

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