Chapter 28

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“I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all that you will be.” – Unknown.

Demelza's POV.

I got up early in the morning at around 04:30, ecxitement bubbling in me as I tip toed to the bathroom with my clothes in my hands, holding it tightly so nothing fell and made any sound. I could not help but let myself giggle quitely.

I was almost done brushing my teeth when I heard something creak. I peaked out seeing Liz was still asleep, I sighed in relief.

I put on my comfy sweatpants, black tank top and jacket. I slipped into my sandals, quitely opening the door and closing it, only when I was on the other side I felt relaxed.

Time to get this engagement started!

I looked around for Riceball, seeing he was nowhere to be seen. Hmm... I wonder where he is?

I jogged down the steps, letting excitement take over me once I was out of the house.

Matt, Kelly and Alex will be giving Liz all the company needed.

I ran towards the greenhouse, as quiet as a mouse, I slipped in. I took in a fresh breath of the earthy smell that only earth could give sighing in content.

As I turned to my left I covered my mouth with my hands as a squeak escaped my mouth.

I saw Kodiak lying up against a wall with a big pillow from one of the chairs on the ground with Riceball sitting comfortably on it compared to Kodiak, his hand on top on Riceballs head. It look very uncomfortable how he was sleeping but my eyes softened at the sight I saw of how he was with Riceball.

I walked up to him and crouched down petting Riceball who never got up from his place. I looked at Kodiak who seemed to be whispering something that I could not hear, his eyebrows furrowed and beads of sweat on his forehead. His breathing was uneven. It looked like he was having a bad dream.

I touched his cheek.

"Kodiak." I whispered.

"N-n-no! Mother... Please don't leave me... Please." He shouted then it turned into quite whispers. My heart clenched at how he looked right now. Vulnerable. That's exactly how he looked.

I felt the need to comfort him. You know when they say once you have cared for someone so deeply you will always care for them no matter what the situation or what they do to you because deep down you know they have a part in your heart and yourself . Well he was one of those people, even though he treats me badly most of the time...

I was about to pull a handkerchief out of my pocket to wipe away his sweat but I felt I rough hand grab me and pull me back, I fell into his lap, my back against his chest as I squealed.

"P-please..." He held me tighter.

He was still sleeping, I felt I  had to soothe him,as incredulous and that sounds I just cannot put it into words how I felt that he needed the attention and comfort. It made me wonder what his dream was about... What made him so helpless like this?

"Shhh." I turned a bit, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him, my one hand going to his cheek. Now that I looked at him, he had deep eye bags under his eyes, probably from lack of sleep and stress. He had such thick, long eyelashes and his jawline was so visible, it could cut anything. I lightly slid my fingers over it. Oh my God I must be looking like some weirdo who is touching an amazing piece of artwork and admiring it.

"N-no..." He had a frown on his face and held me even more tighter, I held him back, running my hands through his hair. I did not know how to comfort him and even if I tried waking him up he wouldn't wake up.

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