Chapter 33

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Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart, and the senses.”— Lao Tzu

Demelza's POV.

So soft. So comfortable. I mumbled incoherent words about Riceball and God knows what into the soft lavender pillow that actually smelt like lavender. How is that possible? I pulled the comforter over my head, trying to block out the Sun that was shining through the curtains that were partially opened from last night when I opened it to star gaze since I still could not sleep even after Kodiak left.

I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am in Kodiak's house... Kodiak's room( it's not his room but you get the sense that I am living in his home, in one of his rooms, in the west wing where his room is. Why am I making such a big deal about this? Oh let's see, because I'm freaking staying in the mansion of the damn guy I supposedly like. Loveee, my subconscious smirked. No! How can I love him? How could I? I may have said I am falling in love with him but you cannot just love someone overnight unless you want to actually try out love at first sight. Mines was hate at first sight.

All these annoying thoughts took out the little sleep I had and I knew I was far gone from wonderland, that too, to even find the rabbit hole and jump in and get back to Mad Hatter and the rest.

I looked on both sides of my nightstand for my glasses, only to find nothing. My heart rate picked up rapidly as I went into a panic frenzy trying to look for it. I remember I put it on the nightstand.

Maybe it is in the bathroom... I walked into the bathroom, doing all of the bathroom routines that I would have done like any normal day and in my home, but the truth was nothing was normal about staying in a man's house who you could not figure out and somewhat loathed to some extent even if you did like him.

I finally found my glasses, they were under the bed, on the floor. One suspect coming to mind of how it could have gotten there. Riceball.
He had a tendency of taking my glasses when I was sleeping or when I casually took it off to grab and bite them. I am grateful he doesn't break it. I did have a few incidents when he broke my glasses and I had to get new ones which let me tell you was quite horrible because while I had to wait for my new pair of glasses to get made and for me to pick them up, I had to use my last pair of glasses from the optician and let's just say my eyesight right now was not really pleasant.

I finally put on some clothes that were presentable enough to go down and see what lied before me down the steps of doom. Excuse my dramtic side.

A purple sweater with jeans was presentable. I pulled open my door, walking out, noticing that the hallway was bright and to add a bit of feminine touch were flowers in the built-in vases that were only in a few places on the wall, making nothing look overpowering. I peaked out looking to my right then to my left, making sure Kodiak was not around. I sighed in relief. You know you are an idiot right now Dem? You live in his damn house for Pete's sake, you are bound to see him everywhere. It is his house after all.

I finally took a deep breath gaining the courage to go downstairs. I was not prepared for what I saw when I walked down the last step. On the huge dining table, Kodiak sat with a black jeans and black sweater on(we matched!), drinking a cup of black coffee with different breakfast treats on the table. Well that's a lot. Nancy soon walked out with a tray of dark chocolate chip cookies, setting them down infront of Kodiak. So he likes dark chocolate, interesting.

He seemed so drawn into whatever was on his laptop screen that he never notice me until Nancy shouted out my name.

"Demelza! Come, come. Don't be scared. Kodiak's doesn't bite." She chuckled when Kodiak acted like he was concentrating more on his laptop and never hear what she said.

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