Chapter 32

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"I knew why love was always described with eternity. A single minute stretched out for lifetimes.” ― Shannon A. Thompson

Demelza's POV.

My first thoughts when we finally arrived at his house was.. Well my first one was, 'He lives in a mansion?'. I know it was a stupid and weird thought because I did expect him to have this grand house but this was way more then grand and let me just say this much he has great taste. 'Wow';'Its gorgeous';'He has great taste';'Does he not feel lonely here in this huge mansion?';'Modern but still had hints of an antique feel' ;'It did feel really homey and welcoming but it still felt like it was missing something... But I could not decipher what it was and it was not to do with how the house looked, it was something else'... Frantic thoughts came into my head while he showed me just the first level of the mansion.

I loved the way Nancy and him interacted with each other, it was just so adorable and sweet, the way he was ever soo gentle when he was around her as if he would break her or hurt her with how fragile she looked but her spirit was unbreakable, feisty and most of all strong. I already liked her and I couldn't wait to get to know her, that too because I loved how she embarrassed the Great Emotionless Kodiak so easily without even realizing it.

Secondly, I didn't know he could cook(what other interesting things can he do that are gonna surprise or impress or interest me more into knowing everything about him) –you know how a rubik's cube is so complicated and when you finally get one side right the other side is totally mystifying that you try to figure out ways to find a way to sort out the problem but then the same thing keeps on happening over and over again? Well that's exactly how people are, such complexity and soo mysterious in their own unique ways yet so complicated... Therefore you need the right person to solve the rubrik's cube(you) and get all the colors in their proper places and finally solving the mystery of someone so... Perfect in your eyes, even if it is not for others that too of only you getting to see and uncover this person's true self. And that was exactly what I want to do for Kodiak I want to solve him and finally let the real person beneath this mask of his finally surface. Let that mask finally fall off and never come back onto him and become finally one with his face I rather break it now then let it consume him.

My thoughts came back to reality and soon enough he was dicing up(evenly yet fast) vegatables and throwing them into a pan when it was finally hot and frying them as he added spices of I don't know what... Okay maybe I do but I'm not going to actually list all of them now am I.

The chicken breasts that Miss. Nancy had taken out were already defrosted as he took them out cutting them into small cubes and adding spices on them from this one cupboard that only had spices of everything in it! I wouldn't be surprised if there was every a spice from every country in there. It looked like he was making a stir fry. Hmm, simple and easy to make but with the way he was cooking it, it looked soo much more complicated. The entire kitchen was huge and smelt soo good(the food) , it was almost the size of my whole damn kitchen and lounge combined, still that was small. Everything looked expensive in here from the pots and pans to this complicated looking warm drink maker with so many buttons on it. The well designed cupboards and counter tops–the whole mansion had such exquisite interior designing.

I felt completely useless right now, sitting on top of the counter like an idle potato(there were bar stools infront of the aisle but I made no attempt to sit on them because I didn't want to anger or upset Kodiak further and I was enjoying him all human) because it seemed like he didn't need any help at all but I still had to try and help even if it was something small.

"Umm... Do you need any help?" He glanced at me once he had thrown all the chicken cubes into another pan and frying them perfectly.

"No, you are my guest. There is no need for you to worry about anything, that too helping me."

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