Ch. 1 - Beginnings

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Y/N: *turns the doorknob and pushes the door to enter the living room* "Hm, I guess no one is up yet." I guess I can introduce myself to all of you. And yes, I am breaking the fourth wall here. My name is Y/N, I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, all my life, I'm half Korean and half American. My hobbies are cooking, drawing, singing, playing the piano and guitar, and of course playing in my band named "Kick It Into A High Gear". Yeah I know, it's a long title, we kinda got inspired by Fall Out Boy's long song titles. Oh and right now, I'm 30 years old actually. *footsteps are heard from a room* looks like I gotta go, please enjoy my life story. Have fun and take care!

Little Girl: "Daddy, who are you talking to?"

Y/N: "No one sweetheart, go brush your teeth and I'll make you some pancakes. Ok?"

Little Girl: "Ok daddy, I'll be right back"

Static comes from a laptop that sits in the living room and a story starts playing.


10 Years Ago

Kairi: *slaps your cheek lightly until you wake up* "Wake up already sleepyhead! We're gonna be late to our gig!"

Y/N: *starts to wake up slowly* "Kairi what are you on about? ... The gig is tomorrow and it's barely 7AM anyways." Kairi is my childhood best friend, we've known each other for about 12 years and we're both in a band. Aside from being my best friend, she's my #1 bassist.

Kairi: "Ugh you idiot! It's today!! Now hurry up and get dressed because we gotta be there for soundcheck and practice, then the actual show!"

Y/N: "Alright alright, I'll get dressed and everything just stop screaming at me will ya?" *you start to get up as Kairi leaves the room* "Geez sometimes she really acts like a mom."

———————Small Time Skip——————


Y/N: "Oi Kairi, do you know where the heck Matt, Brit and Jackie are at? How come we're here early as heck and they're late?"

Kairi: "They said they're on the way, knowing them, they most likely stopped at Starbucks first" *starts to play bass a bit just to warm up* "You sent them the set list right?"

Y/N: "Yeah I did, and hey if they get here late we can always start off with our duet. It's in the set list anyways so we can play it first."

Kairi: "Hm, not a bad idea. They still have 2 hours though. So I doubt they'll be late to the gig." *turns towards me as she does her usual majestic hair flips and then smirks*

——————Another Time Skip——————

Time: 3:54 PM

Kairi POV:

Kairi: "Where the heck are those three? They have 6 minutes to get here!"

Y/N: "Well looks like it'll just be us two playing then. Kinda like the old times."

Kairi: "Yeah you're right, but they should be more responsible than this though." I swear I'm going to scold them so much when I see them. But I'm happy to be playing with just Y/N though, I'm more comfortable with just him than with the other guys.

*The door opens as Kairi and Y/N look at it hoping it's the others, but then they frown as they see the event manager*

Event Manager: "Where's the rest of the band?"

Kairi: "I don't know they haven't answered any calls or texts."

Event Manager: "Well then, you guys are up next, if you want you two can play and hopefully they'll show up during the concert."

Y/N: "Yeah that'll be fine, we'll start heading out right now sir."

Event Manager: *nods and steps out of the room*

Kairi: "Well then let's go Y/N, like you said, just like the old times." I give him a smile and start leaving the room*

————————-On Stage———————


Y/N: "What's up everybody!" *the small crowd starts to cheer as I play a small riff on my guitar* "Alright so I have some good news and bad news, the rest of the band are most likely asleep and no showed because of that, but the two of us will still play for all of you!"

Kairi: "Wow the fans actually don't mind, this temporary lineup change."

Y/N: "So we're gonna change up the setlist a bit, so sorry if your favorite song isn't on it. But we're gonna start off with "Worth It" *I start playing a nice and heavy guitar riff as Kairi gets on the drums to substitute for Brit*

——————-Another Time Skip——————-

Back at the room they were in:

Kairi: "Well we actually did good, the fans didn't mind the change." I smile a bit high fiving Y/N.

Y/N: "Yeah thank goodness. I still wonder where the others are at though. It's already 7PM and still no response. We should go check on them" All of the sudden the door opens.

In unison: "About time you three get here! You're late and we already played!"

Event Manager: "I'm not the other members..." *scratches nape and chuckles a bit*

In unison: "I'm so sorry sir! Please forgive us!" We say as we bow 90°.

Event Manager: " it's alright guys. Actually I have some guests that want to see you. They were in attendance at the front row and wanted to see the two of you. They're quite popular themselves."

Kairi: "Who are they?"

Event Manager: "I think they're called Blackpink or something like that. I'm not sure"

Kairi and Y/N: *starts holding hands and jumps around together* "We're going to meet Blackpink and they wanna see us and they saw us perform!"

Event Manager: "Calm down you two, they'll be here in about 5 minutes so just be ready to meet them, and don't pass out like when you met Panic! At The Disco please.

Kairi: "I'll try not to!"

Y/N: "I'm not sure if it's possible but I'll try to not pass out again!"

Event Manager: *steps out of the room once again*

Knocks are heard at the door

Kairi: "Well that was fast"

Y/N: *goes up to the door and opens it while trying to contain his excitement*

"She's My Queen" - A Jennie x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now