Ch. 32 - District 9?

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Jackie's POV:

I know those two guys said not to wonder who they are, but I can't help it. They look so familiar. But I'm thankful that they saved Jennie and Y/N. We can't afford to lose another member, or a friend. "Hey Jackie, you should take a rest, you've been cleaning all day and took care of Y/N and Jennie, I'll do the chores and care for them ok?" Says Kairi as she hands me a glass of water.

"Thanks Kairi. I'll go lay down in bed for a while, make sure to call Lisa, Rosé and Jisoo please." She nods at me and I make my way up to my room. I'm about to open up the door to my room but I hear someone walking in there. Hm. Weird, Matt isn't here at the moment, he's with Lisa, Kairi is downstairs, Y/N is unconscious.

I go back down and ask Kairi to go with me and we both grab some weapons Y/N gave us long ago. We head back up and I slowly open the door to see no one??!! "I thought you said someone was here?" I enter my room and look around and there really is no one. "But there was! I heard footsteps in here!"

"Maybe you're hearing things? No offense." I look underneath my bed and I see a small card there that wasn't there before. "Then how did this card get here?!" I show it to Kairi and she scans through it. "' District 9 Agent: D9.' Jackie what is this?"

"I swear it's not mine! You know the only things I have under my bed are my shoes but my shoes aren't even there!" Kairi then looks around and sees Jackie's shoes scattered around. "You're right, but if this isn't yours, and your stuff is out of place, who's is this? Who's D9?"

Just then, a black figure quickly passes by us and takes the card then runs out the room "Hey come back!" We scream at him and then start to chase him but as soon as we reach the living room, there's no one but a card on our dining table. I pick it up and start reading it. "Thanks for finding my ID tag. See you all soon :) - W"

"Who the frickity frack is W and D9!?" Kairi says as she rips the card into pieces. I pull out my phone and search up 'District 9' and find out that it's a song from a disbanded group known as Stray Kids. "Well here's a clue." I pass my phone to Kairi and let her scan the text.

"All this says is 'District 9' is the debut song of disbanded K-Pop group, Stray Kids." She hands me my phone and sits down on the couch. "But do you think that maybe that guy was a member of Stray Kids?" I sit across from her and take a candy from a table we have in the middle that's filled with out favorite candies.

"But it says in their bio that they all moved back with their families except for a member that left, he went on to start a family and live with his wife." She says to me as turns on the tv and I decide to go and check on Y/N and Jennie.

I open the door to Y/N's room and I immediately notice a piece of paper on Y/N's chest, I go up to him to check what it is.


Ugh, what happened? I can finally open my freaking eyes. Why do I feel someone touching my chest. "What's this?" Jackie? What the frick?? "Jackie? What are you doing and why are you touching my chest!?" I open my eyes and see Jackie with her hand on my chest.

"Um I-I was just grabbing this paper that was on y-your chest!" I look at her hand and I see that there is a paper right there. "What's the paper?" She shrugs and unfolds the paper and reads it. She then gives a confused look and passes it to me. "Don't worry, I'm a good guy. See you all soon. - W"

"Who's W?" I ask Jackie as she checks on Jennie. "That's what we want to know. He broke in earlier and then ran out. All we know is he's an agent from a place called District 9." I him and I try to think, that sounds really familiar honestly. "Isn't it a song too?"

"Yeah by Stray Kids." I try to think back, and I remember seeing two people walk into the restaurant Jennie and I were in earlier, they both wore a patch that said 'District 9' on their shirts. Maybe it was a uniform.

Wait, maybe one of them was a Stray Kids member? "Jackie, can you pull up photos of Stray Kids?" She nods and starts to look them up, she then hands me her phone and I scan through the members. I take a good look at all of then I realize that one of them looks really identical to one of the guys I saw yesterday.

"Jackie, I think I know who it was."

"Who?" I show her the picture and point at the member.

"I think it's him."

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