Ch. 10 - Arrival?

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Rosé POV:

I start to slowly wake up because I hear some screams from the kitchen. Geez does no one know to be quiet when people are sleeping? I get up from my bed and go to the restroom to brush my teeth and I can still hear some screaming.

Darn, I was really having a good sleep honestly. But I start to walk out of my room but first I grab a foam ball, I'd get something harder but it's my members that are screaming. I walk out and see Jennie unnie saluting Jisoo unnie and screaming "Y/N! You're mine!" So I throw the foam ball at her and I manage to hit her straight in the head!

"Bullseye! That's what you get for ruining my sleep!" Jennie unnie then pouts and picks up the foam ball. "It was Lisa that started it! She burned breakfast!" Then she throws the ball back at me and I manage to dodge it, but it bounces off the wall and hits Jennie again.

"Wow you suck at aiming" we all start laughing including Jennie. "Usually it's Lisa with the bad luck but this time it's you unnie!" Lisa then goes towards her room. "Hey we should all get dressed if we're gonna go out right now." Then goes into her room to change.

"Wait where are we going?" Jennie starts to walk up to me and hits me with the foam ball on the head. "We're going to eat breakfast with Y/N and the others, go get ready so we can go." She then goes into her room and so does Jisoo unnie and I.

*Time Skip*

We're now all ready and we're driving to the restaurant, Jennie unnie just sent Y/N the address and they said they're on the way. I'm honestly really excited for breakfast because it's always fun to hang out with them honestly.

"Hey around what time should we head to Mina's?" Jisoo unnie says as she's driving, then Jennie says "I think we should go around 2:30PM? That way we have more than enough time to get started and get something done."

"Does that seem like a good time for the two of you?" Lisa and I then nod and hum in response. "Just let Mina know that we'll be there around 2:30PM. And also, we should stop by a store to get snacks for them. It'll be rude to arrive with nothing."

Jennie unnie then rolls her eyes and types the message. I wonder if she's bothered by Mina and Y/N being close. After a few more minutes of talking, we arrive to the restaurant and we see Y/N and the others already going inside.

"Alright lets go, we shouldn't keep them waiting long." We leave the van, go inside and sit down at the table Y/N and the others got for us. "Hey guys!"

"Hey girls long time no see!" They then look at each other and laugh because they were in sync. "Wow if you guys stay in sync like that, you can all do the choreography for us at our concerts." Lisa says as we all get the menus to order.

"Well honestly, we've been practicing the choreo for Playing With Fire, it's a fun one and our favorite so we decided why not?" Then they start doing part of the choreo in front of us.

"Maybe you guys should dance Playing With Fire for us someday, or on the stage since we'll be performing together." Jackie then nods and says "We'll make sure to do so one day. Right guys?" We all nod as the waiter comes over to take our orders.

It's already 1:48PM by the time we finish eating and we decide to head over to Mina's and stop at a store to buy some snacks on the way. We then arrive to Mina's place and knock on the door.

"Hey Mina!! We're here already!" Suddenly we hear something fall a few times. "Hey is everything ok in there?" We wait for a response but Tzuyu opens the door. "Hey guys, sorry for the wait. Mina's jacket just fell and she was picking it up." We enter the dorm and of course, it looks magnificent as one could imagine.

There's a lot of paintings and really adorable things around the dorm. "Um What actually fell? Because it sounded a lot heavier than a jacket." Tzuyu then turns towards us and points at Mina sitting on the couch. "I was in my jacket when it happened."

She then pouts and gets up to hug us. "So where's the others? I figured all of you would've arrived at the same time." Mina then gets a notification as she says that and checks it. "Oh nevermind, Y/N just texted and said they're in a traffic jam right now."

"Of course, did they take the busy street again?" Mina then types the question in and sends it. "Yeah they did. He said Brit was driving and figured the second street would be faster."

"Well then now we wait for them I guess."


Authors Note: I would've posted later but I can't lol. College is wack honestly.

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