Ch. 31 - Deserter

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(This chapter will mainly focus on "The Deserter" but will still tie into the story. His identity will be revealed soon in the story.)

*Flashback a few years ago*

"I'm sorry guys, but I need to leave. Something bad is going to happen and if you guys don't want to listen to me, then so be it." I pick up my luggage and head straight to the door, going through my friends, who I've referred to as my family.

"Come on hyung! Stay! Nothing bad is gonna happen we'll all be alright!" One of them says in an attempt to stop me from leaving. I continue to ignore what they're saying and walk out of the house.

They don't want to listen to me, my dreams have always predicted the future, and my most recent dream was that we were all forced to do horrible acts on innocent people. They think I'm lying, but I'm not. So I'll at least save myself  by leaving.

I truly love these guys, they're my family, and I want to protect them. But they don't listen to me, they don't let me protect them. So I figured, if I leave now, I won't be forced to do what they will be forced to do, and potentially save them soon. "Stay safe guys." I mutter as I walk further away from what was our home.

*Present Time*

"Hey D9! Are you ready for this mission?" I look over to my partner, Wonpil, codename: D6. "Of course I am, I want to free my family, and the rest of the people that he hypnotized." Wonpil then nods and hums as we get out of our car.

The first part of our mission is to ensure the safety of a band named 'Kick It Into A High Gear.' Why? They're the targets of our target. They don't know about this mission, so we have to be careful to not be caught by them or they'll ask questions.

Right now, we're looking over the leader of the group, Y/N and one of his friends, Jennie Kim, formerly from Blackpink. We were given information stating that our target will attempt to capture both of them at 2:50PM, and right now it's 2:40PM.

Wonpil and I go inside the restaurant that Y/N and Jennie are in and take a seat behind them. We make sure to talk to each other like normal to not make anyone think were being suspicious. We're both taking in information while sitting behind them, yeah it seems wrong, stalker like behavior, but we were given specific instructions to pay attention to what they say, and find out if they're going out somewhere so we can go there and watch out for them.

"They like each other don't they?" Wonpil say as he takes a sip of his cup of water. I nod to him and look out the window a bit to check if anyone suspicious is coming. "It's obvious they do, I don't see why they aren't together yet though."

"Probably because of his career." Wonpil responds as we both look to each other's sides to check for suspicious activity. "Hey where are the others?"

"They said they're watching the food cook so it doesn't burn." Perfect, then the others are looking out for the rest of Y/N's group. We made sure to come up with codenames for stuff like this a long time ago by the way, makes it seem less suspicious. "Make sure you have a Double Knot on your shoes, in case if we do have to leave early."

Wonpil nods and checks his shoes, "Yeah they're double knotted, I won't be falling today ok?" I chuckle a bit at his words and smirk. "Like the last time?"

"Oh shut up! That was yo-" Wonpil and I quickly duck underneath the table when we heard a loud boom go off near the restaurant entrance. "What was that?!" I say as I look up and see a henchmen from our target taking YN and Jennie away. "Go go go!"

We run after them and I signal Wonpil to hide his face while I do the same. Wonpil then jumped off the wall and quickly grab a dehypnotizer from his bag to place it on the goon. But before he can even place it on him, he swats him away as if he was a fly. I then use the small window of time to try to place one on him, but he saw me first and kicked my head while I was in midair.

"The Master will get what he wants, so get away hyung!" I wipe away some blood from my mouth and look up to see...


"That's right hyung! Get away from me and help my master achieve his goal, you were supposed to help anyways!" I quickly get up and rush at him, he drops Jennie and Y/N and we both start hand to hand combat.

I manage to punch his jaw but he quickly counters with a strike to my stomach and then kicks my ribs, causing me to stumble back a bit. Wonpil then tries to take him on too but only to get swattted away and land on a chair. "Take a seat!" He says but then I leg sweep him, causing him to fall and to knock him out, I push his head back to the floor but he grabs my foot and throws me back.

"When you left us, we got stronger, but then even more stronger when our master took us under his-" I cut him off by gut punching him, and then hitting him in a variety of spots, and paralyzed him for a short time. "What how!?"

"I got stronger too, I studied which parts to hit to paralyze a person, now here, come back to us." Right before I placed a dehypnotizer on him, he vanishes into thin air suddenly.

"Hey did you forget about me?" I turn around and see Wonpil stretching a bit and popping his back. "Of course I didn't, I just thought you were dead." Wonpil then scoffs and walks toward Y/N and Jennie. "I'm weak compared to you, but I can take a lot of punishment, remember that D9."

I roll my eyes and check on Y/N and Jennie for any injuries. Seems like they're alright, they should be out for an hour or two, so we should send them back home.

A half hour later, we arrive at the place where Y/N's group is staying at. We make sure to hide our identities by putting on a face mask and then we proceed to knock on the door.

A short, Latino-Korean looking woman opened the door and asked us what we needed. We explained to her that Y/N and Jennie were close to being kidnapped, but the kidnapper was arrested and we brought them here due to them being unconscious. She accepted them back and we told her to forget we were here, and to not wonder who we are.

Afterwards, we left the building and went back to HQ. "D6, you have to get stronger, you can't always rely on me to have your back." Wonpil then nodded as he put his stuff away in his locker. "I know, I'm sorry. I'll practice harder, I promise." I hum at him and then leave locker room.

"District 9"


Hey guys! Regular updates should be up soon! Next update will be for the MinaxReader and that should be out either tomorrow or Saturday, and then the update after that will be for this book. But guys, please take care, if some of you don't care about the corona virus, at least please take care. I want you all to be safe ok? Stay safe and healthy guys. I love you all! 💞

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