Ch.12 - Death and Heartbreak

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It's almost time to go meet up with Jennie. I'm already dressed but I still need to go pick her up. Eh I'll go in a bit. Yeah I'm excited to go on a "date" with her, but there's a small part of me that wishes that it's with Mina.

You see, I had a crush on her when we were kids, but when she left, I worked on getting over her, which I did. But now that she's back, my feelings for her are coming back. But I also really like Jennie.

Anyways, I head out of the house, say bye to the others and get in my car. I decide to play my kpop playlist, which mainly consists of Blackpink and Twice. As I drive to Jennie's place, 'Be as ONE' starts playing, honestly it's such a soothing and calming song. I love how their voices sound in it, especially Mina's voice. Maybe I'm being a bit bias haha.

After a while, I arrive and go to their dorm and knock. After waiting for a while the door opens and reveals Jennie in some really beautiful clothing. Although, she always looks beautiful haha. "Ready to go Madame?" I say to her as I take her hand and she closes the door. "Of course I am, now let's go." She gives me her famous gummy smile as we walk to my car. I open the door her as she gets in, then I run to the other side and get in.

Not much happens on the way to the restaurant, we just talk about our life a bit, some funny stories, and we talk about what we want in the future. Like I said, not too eventful. But we arrive to the restaurant, we get in and sit down at a booth and look at the menu pamphlets.

"So what will you be having Madame?" I ask her as she puts the pamphlet down. "I'm thinking about the Brisket Burger Supreme. And you monsieur?" I put my pamphlet down and point at a burger. "I want the Super Bacon Burger Extreme!" She looks at it on my pamphlet and looks at the calories on it. "Won't you have a heart attack? It's almost 2000 calories. And it looks like it gets the 'Super' and 'Extreme' from how greasy it looks."

"I'm sure I'll be fine. If anything goes wrong just call Kairi so she can slap me back to life." She giggles and our waiter comes to us to ask for our orders.

We order our food and drinks, then we talk some more as we wait for it to arrive. After a few minutes, our food arrives and oh geez. "Jennie... today might be my death." I say as I stare at my burger that is six inches tall, 4 beef patties, 15 slices of bacon, 4 cheeses, and an ounce of fries inside of it.

"Y/N, don't you dare die on me because of a burger!" I look at her and her 2 1/2 inch tall burger. "Yeah you better not die on me either." I say in a sarcastic tone. We start munching on our burgers, which are amazing! My burger isn't as greasy as I thought it would be and it's so delicious! Definitely coming here with the guys.

"Oh so Y/N... there's something I need to tell you." I look up to Jennie and swallow the piece of burger in my mouth. "Yeah what's up Jennie?" I take another bite out of my burger as she starts to talk. "So... I know we've only known each other for a very small while... but I honestly really like you and I was wonderi-"

As soon as I heard the very first few seconds of that, I started choking on my burger. I can't believe it! My bias likes me! And I'm probably gonna die before I date her! Frick! "Y/N! Drink some of your drink. Here let me help you." She pats my back to help me get the burger out of my throat. "H-hElP"

Everyone is staring at us while I'm almost choking to death. Oh geez... I'm sorry Jennie, I think I'm about to fail you. She picks me up and starts doing the Heimlich on me. After a few times, the burger finally comes out my throat and lands in my drink.

"Oh no... my tea..." I say as I pout while Jennie is still holding me from behind. "You almost died, and you're sad about your tea?" She let's go of me and sits down, then so do I. "Well, tea is life to me. I love tea haha. But thank you Jennie for saving me, for a bit I thought I was actually going to die because of a burger."

"Well good thing you have me around to take of you pabo." She says as she drinks her Dr. Pepper and I bite my burger again. "You're still going to eat after almost dying?" She says as she laughs a bit. "Well yeah, I'm still starving! Oh so back to what you were saying."

She looks down and blushes a bit then looks back up to me. "Well, I really like you honestly. Don't choke on your food again let me finish! And I'd like to know if you'd be my boyfriend." She looks down again waiting for my response. "Jennie... I like you too honestly, but right now, I want to focus on my career. And I... also like someone else too... sorry..."

Jennie looks down as a tear escapes her eyes. "I understand, I'm sorry." I quickly wipe her tear off of her and grab her hand. "Hey, I'm not rejecting you. Yes, I like someone else, but I also like you. I'm trying to get over the other person, just because I only want to be friends with her, but wait for me. Will you?"

Jennie then looks back up to me and wipes her tears away. "Of course I'll wait for you. But I guess for now on I'll support you as a friend and a coworker until you are ready." I kiss her hand, which makes her smile. "Thank you Jennie." I smile at her and she takes a sip of her soda. "Well let's finish eating." She nods and takes a bite out of her burger... it's cute honestly... how does someone look so cute by biting a burger? What the heck!

Jennie POV:

After a while, we finish our food, he leaves a tip and we get in Y/N's car. The ride back is awkwardly silent. We talk a bit but then stop.

We arrive to my place and he takes me to the door. "Hey, I had a great time with you. I'm sorry it didn't go as perfect as you probably hoped though." I look up at him and smile. "It's alright, I understand your decision." He hugs me tight and I hug him back. I wish we could stay like this forever, I love his embrace, his cologne, and hearing his heartbeat.

We then part and we say goodnight as I go into my house. I guess everyone is asleep, no one is in the living room. I head straight to my room and lay down on my bed and start crying. I feel so broken. I now he didn't really reject me, but I feel so hurt. I love him so much but he has someone else in his heart too.

I bet it's Mina... I wish she never came into the picture but... I'm happy they met again. My eyes are starting to get heavy, it is kinda late. I guess I'll sleep. "Goodnight Y/N, I love you."


Hey guys! So sorry for not updating for like a week I think. I've been super busy and I also haven't really been in a good state of mind so I kinda needed a break to get myself together. But do expect another update on either Tuesday or Wednesday. Well I have to go. Goodnight guys! I love you all!

"She's My Queen" - A Jennie x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now