Ch. 4 - Seoul

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"Y/N!! Kairi!! Open up I have something for the two of you!!"


Kairi's POV:

I go to open the door once I heard Jennie's voice from outside and I find her with what seems like two postcards in her hand.

"Oh good morning Jennie! Come right in." She enters the house as she greets the two of us and hands us the two cards. "So like how we talked about yesterday, we got you the airplane tickets to Seoul. The tickets for Matt, Brit and Jackie are in there as well. The flight is tomorrow at 5PM."

Y/N opens one of the cards and takes out a ticket. "Whoa Jennie, these are VIP?"

Jennie nods excitedly and walks towards the door. "I think I'm gonna leave, I'll leave the two of you alone so you two can pack." She smiles as she starts to walk through the door.

"Wait Jennie, how about you stay for breakfast? I'm going to make breakfast right now and Kairi wants a lot but knowing her, she won't eat a lot." I hit Y/N's arm because hey! I do kinda eat a lot.

"Hmm... sure why not. Just let me text the others so they won't think that I'm missing."


They've finished eating and Jennie is about to leave. "Thank you so much guys for the breakfast. It was super delicious and amazing. Y/N! We're going to make you our personal cook now!" Jennie and I start laughing a bit as Y/N pouts from behind the dishwasher. "I better get paid because I don't cook for free ya know."

"Oh calm down Y/N, you cook for free for me, so just cook for them too. Besides, you always cook so it's nothing new." Now Y/N is making a poker face and sighs. "Well you're right."

"Well I'm gonna go now, Chae is here to pick me up, so I'll see you all tomorrow." She smiles and then hugs me and starts heading towards the door. "Hey what about me? Where's my hug?" Y/N is pouting again and making his adorable puppy eyes.

Jennie is blushing quite a bit and goes to him." I was just waiting for you to ask. She then hugs Y/N and he hugs back. You can really clearly see the two of them blushing hard.

Jennie POV:
I hug Y/N and he hugs me back. For some reason I feel so safe and comfortable in his embrace. Suddenly I feel myself blushing a lot so I break the hug and I get a text from Chae. "Oh it's Chae, she wants me to hurry already." I giggle a bit just so it won't be awkward. "Then you should go. Sorry for holding you up a lot." Y/N smiles and wow... his smile is so adorable honestly. My heart is going Bum Bam repeatedly.

"Alright well bye guys. See you two tomorrow and love ya!" I walk out the door and see Chae in her rental car so I go to her and get in. (Lets just pretend that they're allowed to drive)

"Jennie you ok?" I turn towards her as I close the door. "Oh yeah I am. Why do you ask?" Chae then turns the car on. "Well for starters, you're blushing, and you're also shaking a bit."

I then look at my hands and she's right, I am shaking. "Could it possibly be Y/N?" I look at Chae as she's driving back to our hotel. Could it be Y/N? Am I falling in love with him? Nah it can't be. I just met him. It's probably just a crush. "Nah, I think it's just a crush, Chae. I'll get over it. Besides we still have our dating ban. So even if I liked him, I couldn't date him."

Chae then turns to me a bit and places her hand on mine. "Well, we'll see what the future holds, but for now. We gotta go by the rules set for us and be idols. Or wait until the dating ban gets lifted." I then slump down in my seat a bit. "If it ever gets lifted while we're idols." There's a part of me that wants the ban lifted, and there's a part of me that wants to not date while I'm an idol. But for now I have to focus on my work as an idol. Then I can date later on in life.


We arrived back at our hotel and now it's kinda late. Well not really, it's 8PM and we're watching Frozen. We've watched it so many times but I still enjoy singing along honestly.

The door bell then rings as Jisoo stands up. "And that will be dinner. I'll go get it!" She opens the door and finds a person that doesn't look like they deliver food. "Hey I'm here for the stuff." We all turn towards the door to find a man in raggedy clothes. I go to the door because Jisoo can't speak English all too well so I'll speak. "Um hi sir, I think you got the wrong room." He then looks at me and blinks. "You're joking right? I- I already paid the money just give me the stuff."

I'm honestly confused about what's going on. What stuff does he want?? "Um sir, what exactly is the stuff?" He looks at with an annoyed face. "The crack! Just give me my crack!" Then suddenly the hotel room door that's in front of our room opens and a man comes out. "Greg, that's the wrong room. I'm over here not over there." Greg then apologizes and leaves with the man, and as soon as we're about to close the door, the food delivery guy arrives.

"Hello is this room 811872?." I open the door again and see our food. "Yes this is room 811872." He then hands me the box of food. Judging by the smell, it's chicken. "Ok then, can you sign here please?" I take out a pen and I sign the paper. "Thank you ma'am, have a good day!" He smiles as he start to leave. "Thank you sir!"

I go back into the room and look straight at Jisoo. "You ordered chicken again, didn't you unnie?" Jisoo then looks at me while she's drooling. "Uh yeah I did... I want my chicken now!" I hand it to her and sit back on the couch.

Rosé POV:
I get a notification on my phone so I check who it is.

Matt 💎:
Hey Rosé, do you want me to bring you and the girls something for breakfast tomorrow morning?

Rosie 🌹:
Yes please, could you bring chicken and waffles please?

Matt 💎:
I gotchu! I'll arrive at your hotel around 9AM. So be ready lol.

Rosie 🌹:
Thank you so much Matt! You're the best! 😊

Matt 💎: No problem Rosé! See ya tomorrow! Goodnight!

"Unnie! Who are you texting?"


Authors Note: Hey guys! Thank you for reading! I hope you're all doing well and I wish you all the best. Please take care and stay safe! Love you all!

"She's My Queen" - A Jennie x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now