Ch. 34 - Revelations

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3rd Person POV:

The lights in the room are dim, in the center, there's Y/N. He's tied up to a chair while a man walks into the room. As if on time, Y/N starts to wake up slowly. He groans as the man lifts Y/N chin and smirks at him.

"Remember me, buddy?"

Y/N's eyes widen as soon as he hears that voice. All the memories of him that he tried so hard to get rid of start flooding back into his head. He started remembering when the first person he ever truly loved was shot to death right in front of his eyes. That person that he loved with all his heart was killed by none other than his ...


Y/N's uncle then gets up and laughs at Y/N.

"So ya do remember me buddy! It's so great to see ya all grown up. How have ya been buddy?" Y/N glared at his uncle and spat at his face, causing him to get slapped by his uncle.

"After all these years of being separated and that's how ya say hi to me?!" He then slaps Y/N again and manages to knock a tooth out.

"Of course I remember you, and of course that's how I'd say hi to you! You killed Wendy right in front of my own eyes!! How could I forget that you fuc-"

Y/N's uncle slaps him again and nearly knocks Y/N out. "Don't speak to me like that boy, show some respect. I killed her because she was no good for you and YOU wouldn't listen and get away from her. Her death was on your own hands!"

"I'll kill you for saying that!"

Shut up rascal!" Y/N's uncle swings at him and knocks him out. He then grabs his face and whispers in his ear "I'm not the only one that came back"

A man wearing a dark hood walks into the room. You can slightly see bandages around his head, and some deformation on his face. "Don't worry Mr. Kim, he's still alive."

"Good. I want to kill him myself for nearly killing me all those years ago." The man looks at Y/N's unconscious body before grabbing a hammer. "He nearly killed me with this. So now, I'll make him suffer with the same hammer he used on me. Jason, hold his leg out for me."

Jason, Y/N's uncle, then grabs Y/N's leg and stretches it. Mr. Kim then raises the hammer above his head and smashes Y/N's right knee with it. Y/N jolts up and screams out in agony, but no one but Mr. Kim, Jason, and himself can hear his agonizing screams.

1 Year Later

Jennie's POV:

We haven't found Y/N in a year, I'm worried about the fact that he could be dead. If only we hadn't gone to that restaurant a year ago, he would still be here. This is all my fault. I hate myself, I feel like I'm the reason why Y/N disappeared. I can't stand being away from him anymore!

"Unnie, are you thinking about him?"

I sadly nod to Chae, who's been trying to comfort me ever since Y/N was taken away.

"It's okay unnie, we'll find him eventually somehow. Just hold on longer."

"How much longer!? It's been a year already and we still don't have a clue of where he could be! And it's not only him that's missing! Matt and Jihyo are missing too!" I start to cry again, it feels like I'll cry an ocean at this point. My lover and two of my friends are gone, I hate this so much!

"Unnie, lets go to Mina, maybe this time she'll have news on where they could be. She's been trying to track their souls so hopefully today she found them!" I nod to Chae and start walking with her to Mina. Please Mina, tell me you found them. You're our only chance at finding them.


"D6, check if Walmart has a Switch"

"They have 3 in stock"

"Let's move in"

We sneakily rush inside the building that we suspect is holding Kim Y/N, Park Jihyo, and Park Matthias. It's been a year since Y/N was captured, and 4 months since Jihyo and Matthias went missing. All three were captured, and we were finally able to trace them back to this building.

"I have a visual on them. Jennie, Daniel, and Lisa are not gonna like the sight of them though." D6 says as he peaks through a corner. Well at least we know they're here, we should come here with the rest of the squad though.

"Alright Let's head back and we should inform the others." I hum and we start leaving the building.


I turn around and see one of my former members coming after us. I quickly go around him and jab him on the back of his head, knocking him out.

"Let's take him for interrogation." D6 nods and we escape the building.

Time Skip

"So it was a Stray Kids member that was there at the restaurant." Jennie says as she looks at the unconscious Felix. I feel bad for him, I know he would never do all that, but he's being controlled. "D6, dehyp him will you?" D6 nods and places a dehyp on Felix, taking him out of the trance he's been in.

"Huh what's going on? Where am I and who are you all?!" Felix starts shouting, fear in his eyes, he doesn't know anyone here but me and Wonpil. "Don't worry Felix, we'll explain to you, but we want to know, do you remember what you've done?"

He then looks down and it seems like he's starting to cry "... yes... I remember all the horrible things I've done... all the torture... all the killing... im sorry." He breaks down, I can't take it anymore I feel bad for him. I take off my mask and reveal myself to him, I hug him hard in hopes of calming him down.

"It's ok Felix, Woojin hyung is here. I know you didn't mean to do any of that. It's ok." I feel the right side of my shirt starting to get wet from his tears, he hugs me back and sobs harder.

"Let's leave them alone for a bit" Wonpil tellers the others and exits the room.

"Hyung... why did you leave us?" He says while still clinging onto me and crying on my shoulder. "Because I knew this would happen, so I left so that it won't happen to me, and so that I could rescue you all... I'm sorry I left you guys, Felix."

"I've missed you, Woojin hyung... we've missed you so much... it hurt a ton when you left." Felix starts crying again on my shoulder, I feel really guilty for leaving. But it had to be done.

"I'm really sorry I left, but hey, I'm here now, I won't leave again. I promise. Now cry it all out, hyung is here for you."

"She's My Queen" - A Jennie x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now