Ch. 24 - Bang

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Jennie's POV:

"Songhee, don't try to break free again, be happy I intentionally missed my shot." Soohyun turns around and walks to a door. "If any of you try, the next bullet will hit a body." He then leaves the room and we all start to stare at each other.

Soohyun's POV:

I'm sure Y/N will be able to find my location, I'm thinking it'll take him 3 days if he hurries. That gives me three days to capture other idols, and torture them. I start walking back to where I have the idols with a remote in my hand.

"Listen up you three. Name a group, and maybe your life will be spared." They look around at each other for a bit. "Why do you want us to name groups?" I press a button on my remote and start shocking Songhee, I then stop after 5 seconds. "So that doesn't happen again, or worse." I smile evilly at them and await an answer.

"BTS" I look at Mina who gave that answer. "BigBang" Says Songhee. "Exo" responds Jennie. "Mina, you think I won't hurt my hyungs? Jennie, I'm sure you know who I'll go after in Exo, and Songhee, BigBang may be Kings, but even Kings can fall."

"Wait did you use us to decide who you'll attack!?" Says Mina while trying to get out of her chair, I then shock her a bit, grab her chin and bring her face up to look at mine. "I will do whatever I please, I'll attack whoever I please, don't make me hurt you more than I've already have." I smirk and then leave the room to prepare for the next.

Tzuyu's POV:

*time skip*

"Thank you Y/N for bringing us to your dorm. You sure we'll be safe here?" Y/N nods at me and picks up a suitcase that was underneath his desk. "What's in your suitcase?" He puts it on his bed and says "some things I might need when I encounter Soohyun."

"A-are you going to track him down?" He nods and puts a blade in his pocket. "Tzuyu, if I can't find them, I will never be able to forgive myself. Not only is Jennie and Mina in captivity right now, but that girl from Stone and possibly even more people. I can't allow any of them to be harmed."

He then puts his hand on my shoulder and looks at me straight in the eyes. "If he or something comes here to attack you guys, go back here to my room, grab anything under my bed. Anything under there can help protect you guys."

I nod at him and walk out with him. "Hey Y/N, where are you going?"

"I'm going to go track down Soohyun and bring back Jennie, Mina and everyone else that was captured. And before any of you ask, I want all of you to stay here, Sajangnim and JYPd nim already have maximum security on their way over here. So stay until further notice."

They all nod at him but Kairi goes up to him.

Kairi' POV:

"Y/N, please tell me you're not gonna show that side of you again?" I whisper into his ear so no one will hear us. "I'll do it if I have to, I'm sorry Kairi. I now I vowed to never show it again after I hurt you, but I'll do what I must."

I nod at him and then hug him tightly. "Stay safe Y/N, I don't want to lose more family." He hugs me back and promises that he'll be alright.


I get into my car and put my suitcase into the passenger seat, then I call RM.

Y/N: Normal
RM: Italics

"Hey RM, I need to ask you something important."

"RM isn't here right now, but if you'd like, you can talk to me, Soohyun. You are looking for me right?"

I start driving straight to BTS's dorm.

"What did you do them Soohyun!?"

"Find me and maybe you'll find out Y/N. Just know that this is all because of you."

"What did I ever do to you!?"

"Took my dreams, and some of my members dreams, then their lives! Now if you don't find me, I'll take some of your friends lives!"

"Where the fu-"

Dang it he hung up. Well if he's at BTS's dorm, it'll just make things a whole lot easier.

*Time Skip*

I'm now at the parking lot and I start running straight to their dorm. As soon as I get there I go to knock on the door but the door is hot. What the heck? The door knob is hot too! Shoot the dorm is probably on fire. I call a worker and let them know that there's a fire there, but I kick the door down to check if anyone's in there.

"Hello! Anybody here!" I check the living room but I don't see anyone. I start checking the rooms but I hear something fall in one of the rooms so I go in there and find Jungkook on the floor.

I pick him up and take him outside of the dorm where it's safer, then go back in for anyone. I check the other rooms and the restrooms, but I forgot to check the basement. I go to check and I find Jimin tied up on a chair. I then take out my knife from my pocket and cut the ropes.

I carry him out and place him next to Jungkook and see that firefighters are coming now.

"What happened here?" The firefighter says as he starts spraying water into the dorm. "I'm not sure, I came here to visit and I felt the door was hot when I knocked and so was the knob, so I kicked it open and checked for people, they were the only ones I found."

The firefighter then nods and goes in to extinguish the fire.

*Small Time Skip*

"Hey Jungkook, c'mon wake up." I fan his face a bit and he starts opening his eyes slowly. "W-What happened?"

"There was a fire in your dorm. It's ok, don't worry about the others, I only found you and Jimin and I was able to get both of you out in time." He nods at me and looks into the dorm. "Do you know where the others are?" I shake my head at him and wipe off some ash from his face.

"Do you know who did this?" He shakes his head and closes his eyes for a bit. "I-it was Soohyun..." I turn to Jimin who is waking up slowly. "H-he came and knocked e-everyone o-out. He took the others a-and left me and Jungkook, then set the dorm on f-fire."

I wipe off some ash from Jimin's face and thank him for the information. An ambulance then comes by in a bit and they're both taken to the hospital.

"Soohyun, you will pay for all of this... I swear you will."


Sorry for not posting a few days ago, I've been busy with finals week and visiting my grandma at the nursing home (she had surgery and is in recovery right now.) but just know that this book is reaching its climax and will end soon. Also, a second part of this book may be made, and I'm already working on 2 other books. A MinaXReader, and a JihyoXReader. So stay tuned for those releases please! Love you all!

"She's My Queen" - A Jennie x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now