Ch. 11 - The Beginning

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"I think we should take this other road." I point at the other road and face Brit. "Nah, this one will be faster trust me." I look at her with a pokerface while still pointing. "But... there's a huge line." Brit doesn't, care, she still drives towards the slow road because it'll "go fast."

It's been a while now and Mina has been waiting for us for a while now, she just texted me and asked where we were and I told her the situation. Jackie then groans and hits Brit on the arm. "Y/N told you to take that other road, you didn't listen, and now look at us. We're 30 minutes late because of your stubbornness."

"Oh shut up Jackie. We're almost there anyways. It's just a matter of time." Brit says as she's choosing a song on her phone to play on the radio. "By the way Jackie, this song was written for you." Suddenly Green Day's American Idiot starts playing loudly on the vehicle's speakers. "One, I'm not American. Two, if American Idiot was written for me, then Boulevard Of Broken Dreams was written for you."

"Ouch, calm down Jackie, you didn't need to remind Brit what her life seems like." Kairi says as she puts her arm around Jackie. "Hey Can the three of you knock it off? Be like Matt and just sleep for the rest of the ride. Except for you Brit, you're driving." I say to them as they turn to look at Matt who's somehow upside down in his seat and snoring away. "Okay but how did he manage to get like that and not make us notice?"

Thankfully we start moving again but it doesn't affect Matt. He's still sleeping like an upside down baby. "When we get to Mina's place, let's call them so they can see how Matt sleeps." I say as I chuckle a bit and everyone else does too and nods in agreement.

An hour later, we finally arrive to Mina's place and we go to knock the door, without Matt of course. A few seconds later and a beautiful angel opens the door. "Hi guys! You must be Mina's friends! Come in! My name is Im Nayeon. It's nice to meet all of you."

We all greet ourselves and explain what happened and that Matt is still in the vehicle, but we want everyone to come down to see him first, so everyone starts coming down and we introduce ourselves to them as well. "Well we noticed him like this halfway coming over here, we don't know how he did it but it's funny honestly.

Kairi opens the door to reveal a sleeping, upside down Matt to Blackpink and Twice. They all start laughing and Matt wakes up and starts to loose balance, then he falls to the ground and knocks himself out again.

We're all laughing for a while and then try to calm ourselves down to check on Matt. "Hey are you dead already?" Says Jisoo as she pokes his nose a few times. "Jisoo, you dummy, how would I answer you if I was dead?" We all start laughing including Matt who's still on the floor and upside down. "Hey can someone help me get up please? My head hurts and I think I need an ice pack for my head."

Momo then goes inside to get an ice pack as Brit and Tzuyu help him back up. Later on, we go inside and wait for Matt to feel a bit better.

"Well then let's get to writing this song shall we?" Says Mina as she gets out a pencil and a notebook. We start to write and so far it's going great. We got the lyrics finished in less than 2 hours and then we finished recording the instruments for the songs.

"Wow, I can't believe we finished a song in less than a day." Says Mina as she sits down on her couch to rest. "Well, we always make songs quite fast but efficiently. And since everyone else is done, I'll do the rest at home tomorrow." Everyone nods and takes a sip of water.

"Hey Y/N, I think we should all get home so we can all fully rest, then you and I should get ready for our date." Kairi then nudges my arm. "Oh wow, my best friend, Y/N having a date with Jennie? I'm surprised!" I was about to answer but Jennie cuts me off. "Well I just called it a date because I don't know what else to call it." She giggle a bit and so does Kairi.

Mina POV:

Wait Y/N and Jennie are having a date? Why wasn't I aware of this? Oh well. I'm happy for Y/N, hopefully it goes well for him. "Well then let's call it a day. Y/N, can we meet tomorrow while you're finishing up the song?" Everyone starts to get up to leave but Y/N turns to me.

"Of course! While you're there, you can tell me what you think of it. But I'm gonna make different versions and make everyone vote on a version." They all leave later on and I stay at home with Nayeon, who didn't want to go to the mall with the others and wanted to stay with us.

"Let me guess Mina, you have a crush on Y/N?" I sigh and turn to her with tears in my eyes. "Honestly yes, I always have since we were little, and I thought I got over him but now that I see him again, I want him again and even more than before." Nayeon then hugs me and pats my back. "The two of you would make a cute couple, and I'm sure he doesn't like Jennie in that way, I'd think you still have a chance to be with him. Maybe they're just meeting later to talk about business?"

"I hope so, I really like him and he's all I want right now."


Hey guys sorry for the lack of posts this week, I was super busy and I just had a job interview at Walmart this morning. Please wish me luck because I really want the job lol. But hey how have you all been? Tell me about y'all lol. But also stay safe and take care, I love you all!

"She's My Queen" - A Jennie x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now