Ch. 15 - Danger?

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Jackie POV:

We just finished the talk show and we're about to leave the building to go back to our room since all of our work for today is done. "Hey that was quite a short talk show wasn't it?" Says Matt as he grabs his backpack and puts it on his back.

I look back to Matt and say "Yeah, I thought it would be at least 15 minutes. I'm kinda disappointed, but then again we're new so they wouldn't put a lot of time on us."

"True, we're not as big as BTS, Blackpink, Twice or Exo, so they would do the minimum time for us. But we'll be big soon!" Says Kairi as she bites into a pastry from the lunch room.

Y/N then walks to us with Brit and his car keys in hand. "I think we should go guys. Something about this place is kinda giving me a bad vibe." Brit then smacks Y/N's arm and says in a sarcastic tone. "Don't tell me your 'sixth sense' is starting up again. Last time the worse thing that happened was a bird pooping on your back."

We all laugh a bit but Y/N remains serious. "Guys I'm not joking. Let's just go home please." Kairi then goes up to Y/N and boops his nose. "Fine, let's go before our worrywart starts crying." We then laugh again but then start to leave.

We're now at our car and heading home but something seems off. The air feels different. I hope Y/N's 'sixth sense' isn't real because now I'm thinking about it a lot. "Hey guys, does something seem odd to all of you?" I ask my members and Brit replies. "Yeah it does, my heart is racing for some reason."

Kairi then turns back to look at us. "Mine too, I feel like we're being watched." Matt then replies with "Well we are known people now, so eyes would be on us. But... it doesn't feel... like a good set of eyes." Y/N sighs and says. "Guys, for once I'm scared. I really hope my sixth sense isn't right and it's just me overthinking."

We then travel a bit further and we're almost to our house. We're oddly quiet this time. We're never like this, we're always cracking jokes and talking, but it feels different right now.


Something really does seem off. I feel like we're being watched and something is pointing at us. I want to shrug it off and believe I'm over worrying but something is telling me that we should be careful.

We just arrived at our house and we quickly get in, hoping to avoid anything that could happen. "Did you guys feel followed when we were coming here?" I ask to the others who are closing the blinds, locking the doors, and Jackie is just cooking... not surprised, she cooks when she's stressed.

"Yeah I felt like something or someone was following us." Says Matt as he's barricading the windows. "Hey Y/N, I know we first thought you were overreacting but, yeah now I feel like you were telling the truth when you said you felt like something bad was gonna happen."

As soon as Brit finishes saying that, my phone starts ringing. I'm scared to check it but I still do and I find that it's just Mina calling.

Y/N: Normal
Mina: Italics

"Hey Mina! What's up?"
"Oh nothing much, I was just wondering if you'd like to meet up later today?"
"Yeah that would be fine, you wanna come over and we can hang out here?"
"Mmm yeah sure why not! I'll be there in an hour! See ya Y/N/N!"

Mina then hangs up and Kairi hits my arm. "Ow! Kairi why did you hit me hard?" Kairi then grabs my ear and pulls it down to her face. "We are here barricading ourselves because we feel something is gonna come at us and you're inviting Mina over and risking her life!? What's wrong with you!"

I then take Kairi's hand off my ear and get back up. "Hey it's ok. We're all probably over exaggerating because of me. And besides, if we are in danger, Mina would know how to help." I smirk as Kairi then starts to raise her hand at me but then Brit and Jackie hold her back and Matt gets in front of me.

"Please do not hurt Y/N! We don't need to be hurting each other!" She then settles down and let's me explain. "You know we've been friends with Mina since we were kids, but there's something that none of you know about Mina and me."

Everyone then looks at me puzzled and waits for me to explain. "I'll explain to all of you, when she gets here and explain the situation to her. Trust me it's nothing bad really. Just something that normal hu- never mind I'll shut up for now. But knowing Mina, I won't need to explain to her, she'll know what's up by the time she steps into the house."

Matt then comes closer to me and puts his finger up to my chest. "Any chance you're Dr. Strange and she's Mrs. Dr. Strange?" We all start to laugh at Matt's stupid remark but then stop when we hear a knock at the door.

"It hasn't been an hour so it can't be Mina... right? Please be Mina?" Says Kairi as she grabs at frying pan from the kitchen and Jackie grabs a baseball bat. "Only one way to know." I go to open the door but then I hear Mina scream. "Let me in!"

I open the door quickly and she rushes in, I close the door quickly and she looks back and throws a purple dust at the door. "Why is that thing here!? Y/N! I thought we got rid of it years ago!" We all look at Mina with a puzzled face and wait for an explanation.

"Y/N!" Mina says as she grabs me by the collar and gets close to my face. "I thought we got rid of that monster years ago! Did your spell not work!?" I put my hands up and start shaking my head. "No! I'm sure it worked! It had to! I should've been sealed away for a millennium!"

Brit then coughs as the rest wait for an explanation. "Mina... should we explain to them?" Mina then looks at me and looks back at them. "I think we have to."


Hey guys! This book is about to get interestingggg. Well I hope it will be lol. So first off, the Twice comeback was AMAZING! Feel Special is such a good mini album and all the songs are so beautiful and the concept behind Feel Special is just wow. But it makes me emotional towards the song. And Mina!! Omg she looks so beautiful and amazing and I hope she feels better soon so we can show her more love! (As you can tell, Mina is my bias in Twice.) and also, Jennie will be in the story, but for now she's going to be somewhat of a side character but she will play a major role in a few chapters... maybe. But just know, some inspiration from Yes or Yes M/V will be used in the next few chapters. Well goodnight guys! Love you all!

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