Ch. 30 - Falling Into Place

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???' s POV:

It's been so long since I've been out here! It felt like an eternity but it's only been a few years! Ah!! I wonder how they're doing? Are they happy? Are they sad? Mad? Still mourning? Well one thing is for sure. Everything is going according to plan and nothing will stop it this time.

"Felix, get my car ready, I'll be going out for a bit."

"Yes sir."

As soon as Felix left, I think about my plan and how everything is working out perfectly. First, I brainwashed Stray Kids, made them disband and do my bidding. Second, I prepared all these years, and now, may the final phases of the plan begin.


Im finally leaving this island today. Not gonna lie, it was nice, and I got to see Brit again. So that was great. I made sure to text Mina and tell her that I'm coming back so she can pick me up, hopefully I'll land safely.

A few hours later, I finally landed and I've been picked up by Mina. I missed seeing my best friend honestly, it was lonely without her. "Hey Y/N, wanna go to your dorm first?"

"Yes please, I'm kinda tired from the flight."

About half an hour later, Mina dropped me off at my dorm and helped me take my luggage to the front door. "Thank you Mina, I'll see you later ok?"

"Ok Y/N, try not to get stampeded by your members though ok?" I nod and smile at her and then knock on the door. "Coming!" Ah its Matt. I missed that goofball. A few seconds later, he opens the door and hugs me tightly. "Dude! I missed you so much! Everyone sucks at cooking and I had to eat school like food!"

I hug him back and then pat his head. "I missed you too Matt. Let's go in and careful with what you say, Kairi will have your head on a plate." As soon as we step in, right on queue, a metal spoon starts flying towards Matt and hits his nose.

"Welcome back Y/N!" Kairi comes up to me, hugs me and then kisses my cheek. "Hey Kairi! How have you been?" I hug her back and kiss her forehead. "Stressed without you here. I had to take care of Matt and Jackie."

I smile and bring my luggage into the living room. As soon as I do, I smell something horrible, something that seems burned for 3 hours. "Kairi do you have something in the oven?"

"Oh shoot the pie!" I laugh as Kairi starts to run to the kitchen while I laugh at how clumsy they are. "Geez I've been gone for a while and you guys can't change?"

"Well Jackie is the only one that kinda changed." Says Matt while he gets up and rubs  the bridge of his nose.

"Oh really? Actually where is she?"

"She's probably in her room watching YouTube."

"That explains, I'll go see her I'll be back."

I head towards Jackie's room but of course I knock on her door first. "Who is it?!"

"It's me! Y/N!"

The door suddenly swings open and I get tackled straight to the ground. "Y/N!! I missed you so much! Thank you for finally coming back and saving me from those two weirdos!"

"Hey who are you calling weirdos!?" Matt and Kairi both scream out at the same time.

"You two!" Says Jackie as she sticks out her tongue.

"Ok Jackie can you get off of me? I think I broke a rib." Jackie then gets off of me and apologizes for tackling me.

"So will we be eating good food again?" Asks Jackie and is suddenly whacked by a metal spoon.

"Hey! My food is good!" Says Kairi as she throws away the burnt pie.

"Alright guys I'll just cook for all of you. Just let me rest first please? I'm kinda tired from the flight."

And with that, everyone else cheers due to the fact that I'm cooking. I guess Kairi's cooking must really suck then.

Somewhere off in the distance

"Ma'am, I have a visual on the target."

"Good. Keep watch for a while. Don't get caught.



Hey guys! I'm sorry about the hiatus, I've been trying to focus on my mental health but now I can say that I'm feeling a whole lot better and I'm ready to start updating again. Thank you guys for the patience, and I'm sorry for the wait. Please enjoy this chapter. I love you guys

"She's My Queen" - A Jennie x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now