Ch. 3 - Past

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"Alright I'll start then. Well my story pretty much begins when I was 11 years old." I look at Kairi and then back to Lisa. "It was actually my birthday. As I blew out the candles on my birthday cake, a lot of explosions were heard, and as soon as we heard the first one go off, I went outside thinking it was fireworks that my parents set off for me. Well, as soon as I stepped outside, a piece of our neighbors house flew into our backyard. So my dad ran and grabbed me then took me inside the house to hide. Kairi and I both hid underneath my bed while my parents hid underneath the table and Kairi's parents hid underneath my parents bed."

Kairi then placed her hand above mine as a tear starts strolling down my cheek and her eyes start getting watery. "I don't remember much of what happened during all of it, but when Kairi and I didn't hear anymore explosions, we waited a bit underneath my bed and then we got out after some time went by. Then we went to check on our parents only to..." At that point, I couldn't go on and Kairi and I broke down when I was going to say the next words. I couldn't do it.

Lisa then goes up to Kairi and I and hugs us. Matt then joins in too. "I'm so sorry Y/N and Kairi. It must've been difficult and I'm sorry that happened to the two of you." She tells us as her and Matt start sobbing too. "I... I didn't know about this guys... I'm sorry. I'm sorry the two of you went through that so young." Matt says as he's still crying about Kairi and I's past.

Y/N pulls out of the hug and breaks up the group hug as well, then he wipes off his tears, gets up and gets napkins for everyone and passes them out. Then a knock is heard at the door. "I think that might be the rest of my members. I'll go open it." Before Lisa even gets up I say. "It's fine Lisa, I'm already up anyways." I smile at her assuring her that it's ok, then I open the door to find three other beautiful angels.

"Hi you must be Y/N right? From "Kick It Into A High Gear"? My name is Jennie." She says as she extends her hand for a hand shake. Wow. She's so beautiful in person. I'm getting goosebumps just from being in her presence. lI then shake her hand. "Hi my name is Y/N, and yes I'm the lead singer of "Kick It Into A Gear." Jennie then points at Rosé. "This is Rosé. She's our lead vocalist." Then she turns to Jisoo. "This is our main Visual and our Unnie, Jisoo." I look at all of them and I can honestly feel myself blushing.

They all said hi to all of us, we all introduced ourselves and talked until it was 9PM. They even brought Starbucks for us, surprisingly they even guessed Kairi and I's favorite drinks. They got Matt his least favorite but he still drank it, he somehow forgot that the drink was hot and ended up burning his tongue. Classic Matt. Brit and Jackie never showed up, but we got a call from them when Kairi and I got home, oh and yeah we've been living together since the incident. But apparently Jackie and Brit were lost and couldn't find our room, then bumped into The Cab (Super great band in my opinion, please check them out lol) and hung out with them the whole time.

"Hey Y/N! Where did we leave the replacement bulbs for the nightlights? The one in the hallway stopped working!" Yeah we kinda leave nightlights around the house and turn them on when it gets dark. The reason for this is because when it's dark and we sleep, we get nightmares about the incident. So we always have them on at night so we won't get the nightmares.

"I think they're in on top of the tv! Go check there!" I scream out as I finish changing into my pajamas. I go to brush my teeth because I'm super tired and I wanna sleep until it's 1PM. "Can you come and get them for me!? I have short people problems ya know!" I start groaning then finish up brushing my teeth. On my way to the living room I groan just to annoy Kairi, then get the lights and tell her "Can't you just grow a foot already shortie??" Kairi then pouts and says "Gee I wish I could. But God made me this short so deal with it giraffe." She then slaps my arm and starts running towards our room. "Hey I'm not THAT tall!" She closes the door to our room and locks it as soon as I was about to open the door. "Oh come on! Don't do this to me now!" I can already see her smirking from the other side.

"You have to say sorry if you want me to open the door." She then puts her back to the wall as I grab the key for the room that I always keep on top of the door frame and start opening the door. "Hey! I thought I took the keys!" I start pushing the door but geez she's putting so much weight onto the door. "Just get off the door and let me sleep or I'll push the door hard!" Kairi really doesn't know when to quit. Geez sometimes she's a pain in the butt. "I'm not moving a single centimeter Y/N!" She then laughs a bit and keeps putting force onto the door. "Fine you wanna be like that?" I take a step back and then run straight towards the door and open it. Once I'm in I start feeling bad because she's on the floor.

"You know you could've asked politely!" Kairi looks up at me and starts pouting. It's honestly adorable. I pick her up and hug her. "I'm sorry Kairi if I hurt you. I just wanted to sleep." She then hugs back, parts and then pulls me down by grabbing my shirt collar. "Fine but you have to make me breakfast tomorrow morning."

"But I always make you breakfast. How about something else?" Kairi then thinks for a bit and then goes near my ear. "Make me a big breakfast, one fit for a queen. I just want a lot for breakfast." She then let's me go and she's smirking. Of course she is. "Fine I'll make you a big breakfast. But let's just sleep already please? I'm tired." She then tucks herself into bed and waits for me to lay down since we both sleep on the same bed. "Aren't you getting in?"

"Yeah I'm going right now." I tuck myself into bed then turn my back towards her and she hugs me. "So I'm guessing you're making me into the bottom and you're being the top?" Then I feel a hand hit me hard on the head. "You idiot! I can't hug my best friend?!" I start facing her and see her, of course, pouting. "Of course you can, I'm just teasing ya though. Alright let's just sleep. Goodnight, love ya." She hugs me again but this time her face is on my chest. "Goodnight giraffe, love ya too."

——————-The Next Morning—————-

A few really loud bangs are heard from the door and they wake us up. Kairi then gets up, pretty much furious because someone ruined her sleep. "Who the frick is ruining my sleep!?" I get up and start going towards her. "Hey good morning, hold up let me check the windows first and check who it is." Kairi then nods as I head towards a window to check.

"Y/N!! Kairi!! Open up I have something for the two of you!!"


Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating yesterday! Please continue to support the book and spread it out to other blinks. I hope all of you stay safe and take care, eat something, drink some water, and most importantly stay alive. I love you all! 😊❤️

"She's My Queen" - A Jennie x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now