2.Brunette Babe

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Beats : Where have you been ~ Rihanna

Harry was exhausted from his aimless ramble so he decided to relax on a park bench that late afternoon. His eyes darted from left to right, amused at the sight of children playing  animatedly. He got sprayed in the face one too many times with squirt guns. However, the idle smile on his face wasn't washed off. He'd make an awesome dad someday, he thought.

A shrill cry pierced into his ears and his eyes shot at the direction. A little girl with large lime eyes and chestnut hair was lying hoplessly on the ground with tears gushing all over her face.He dashed to pick up the child and placed her on his hip.

She stopped crying and began sucking her tiny thumb. "Where's your mummy?" Harry asked, making his way back to the bench with her. The bit of girl just shrugged her shoulders. "Very well..."He sat down and placed her on his lap.  "...I'm Harry ...and you are..." He smiled at the child to coax her into speaking.

"Lola." She said after withdrawing her thumb, making a loud pop sound.

"Oooh, look you skinned your knee!" Harry exclaims, eliciting fresh spasms of whining from her. He mentally cursed himself for being an idiot.

"Shush, babe, it ain't my fault you fell." He scolded playfully and the child gasped. He couldn't help but marvel at her surprised face which was even prettier, if it was possible.

"What?" He asked a bit too harshly and she gasped again blinking drammatically causing her unusually long lashes to brush against her bangs. Before Harry could process it, the child descended from his lap and kicked his shin so hard that he groaned, before giving him a bronx cheer.

The little imp had a smirk too smug for a five-year old on her peach pink lips as she tossed her waist length ponytail before skipping away whilst holding the hem of her yellow sun dress.

"Bleeding hell." Harry cursed under his breath and scanned the vicinity for any witnesses of his embarrassment. All clear. No one was looking his way...well except for one. Those piercing blue eyes were mocking him and studying him as they got closer and closer to him. "HOLY SHIT..HARRY??"

"L-Louis?" He rises and embraces the brunette patting his back gently.

They both pull away and study each other. "You've gotten taller," Louis runs his eyes up and down Harry's frame.

"And you, shorter." Harry rolls his eyes playfully.

"You mean hotter, damn your accent's gotten worse."

"I don't have an accent."

"Whatever. Where have you been? I thought you moved away or something. It's been a year...one fucking year, man!!"

"I know," Harry drops his gaze to his feet. "Come on, tell me all about it but first, lets get some ice cream." Louis flashes his charming smile and links his arm to Harry's as they saunter towards the ice cream cart.

"I guess I just got lost in my head lately and I did not realize how fast time was flying."

"So all this time you've been at home? Doing what?"

 "I don't know...reading ...and thinking." Louis smacks his head. Hard.

"Ow," Harry groans.

"You're kidding me Styles. That is so not like you. Why do you wait to become a nerd after school? And what the fuck happened to your fashion sense?"

"Don't start with me. I already got a fair share of drama from my mother." Louis' face suddenly lit up like fireworks.

"How is she, by the way? She's still hot ....ayyy?"

It was Harry's turn to assault his friend's skull. "Ouch...I feel sorry for Anne for having such a dork for a son."

The two friends grabbed some ice cream as they chattered away about their lives. "Look, it's almost sunset." Louis gasped. Harry checked his wrist watch. "Yeah, it's getting kinda late."

"My mom needs an extra hand in the bakery, maybe you should come tommorrow morning." Louis scoots closer to Harry and rests his hand on his knee. Harry's breath hitches at the contact and clears his throat noisily. "Sounds... good." He needed a distraction from his lonesome life anyway.

"Eight O'clock, don't be tardy, Hazzabear." Harry winced at the name.

He missed it but then it brought back a long chain of memories he wished he could erase from his brain. "Okay," he breathed and rose from the bench, burrowing his hands in his pocket. Louis also got on his feet, a gentle smile dancing on his lips.

"I missed you, Harry. M' so glad to  see you again." Harry wanted to reply but he felt a knot in his throat.

So he stood there staring down into the ocean blue eyes that got deeper with the setting sun. There was a blaring silence around them and thick tension that none of them seemed to protest against. Harry could smell raspberry from Louis' hair, something his three- inch height advantage allowed.

Louis' features got darker as shadows of the sunset sculpted his face into a masterpiece. He licked his slightly chapped lips and the green eyes glimmered down to them. He placed his hands on Harry's biceps.

"See you tomorrow, Haz." The brunette walked around him and away. Harry released volumes of breath he did not realize he was holding.
What the fuck just happened?

-Larry vibes...🙄😌

-All the love as always😘

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