14. Only Once

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Beats: How long ~ Charlie Puth

"Harold Edward Styles, you're home late, or should I say early?"

He glances at the wall clock in the living room.

It was a quarter past 1 am.

He meets his mothers emerald gaze, bright as ever not a hint of fatigue or emotion for that matter.

"Hey, mom. You shouldn't have waited up."
"I wasn't waiting up. I just...didn't feel like going to bed early."

"Alright, I'll just take a shower..."

"Son." She gestures to a the couch adjacent to hers.He obeys by plopping down on it.

"We vowed never to keep secrets from each other, right?"

Harry nods, drowning in guilt.

Did she see them in the car? Heavens, NO!

"Mom, I'm-"

"Shut up, Harry let me speak," Anne shifts in her seat and clears her throat. "I am seeing someone. He wanted to stay the night but I sent him off. But trust me it was only this once, I felt obliged to let you know first, honey, and if you don't like him I will end it imm-"

"Mom! Hold up. So you're dating someone? And you never told me?"

"Yes but I'm sorry. "

"Don't apologize, it's your life and I'm grateful you share it with me. I'm sure he must be a wonderful person."

He rises from his seat but is quickly halted by her glare.

Crap, what now?

"Get seated you sneaky twerp. Don't think I didn't notice that someone brought you home."

Harry sinks into his seat. Should he just fuck it and come out to his mother now or wait until she's in higher spirits? How will she react to her son's confession? Is she homophobic and will end up biting off his ears?

"And judging from the car, looks like you found a cougar. Don't deny it son, the awfully long time you took in there and your messy hair tell an entire sto-"

"Alright. Fine. I have also been seeing someone behind your back for a while. This person is sweet and nice though a little too sassy and I hope you will accept them, mom."

"She sounds charming, son," Harry winces at the pronoun, "and what kept you in that car for-"

"Mom! Okay fine you win. But I swear it has happened only once!" Harry flushes furiously and races upstairs away from her. She laughs maniacally.

"Goodnight, my little cupcake."

"Goodmorning, mummy."

"I have rescheduled your conference meeting to tomorrow morning, sir."

"Thanks, Mr. Tomlinson."

Louis makes his way to his cubicle and continues working on his project. Regardless, he can't stop thinking about last night. Harry was not himself; shy and prudish.He was under the influence of something though not alcohol or weed. Something must be in the water.

But during their highschool years, Harry was the way he was last night. An impulsive flattering machine and horny.Only straight. Maybe Harry was reclaiming his personality and Louis was overthinking. Speaking of flattery, it was kind of weird for him to keep chanting how beautiful Louis was. Okay, Louis is sexy and he knows it but- arrggh! Maybe he is overthinking.

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