9. Come Closer

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Beats: Boomerang ~ Jidenna

"Hey. What's pissing you off this fine morning?" The raspy voice dissolves the scowl on Louis' face.

"It doesn't matter now...why are you here?"

"I work here dummy." Harry makes his way behind the counter and grabs his work attire.


"Don't you have work today... you  know...the job you always whine about?" The scowl resettles on Louis' face. Permanently.

"Let me guess...got fired?"

"No shit Sherlock."

"For real?"

Louis throws off his apron and hat and scampers outside in a fit. Harry runs after him spewing all sorts of apologies. "Leave me alone you tosser."

"Lou, I was only joking I didn't realise you actually..."

"Shush, Harry..."Louis swings on the balls of his feet and heads back inside. He sits on one of the customer tables, crossing his arms and legs. Harry gets behind the counter and doodles random patterns on it with his fingers. A couple of minutes filled with  awkward silence float by.

"You know how hard it is to be unemployed?" Louis attempts to break the ice after clearing his throat exaggeratedly.

You're such a dramatic douche. Harry wants to scream but he shrugs instead.

"Haz, I'm sorry for being such a cunt... but please don't shut me off."

Harry sighs loudly and rolls his eyes before sizing him up. "I actually had one word to say to you."

Louis hops of the table and walks toward the counter, bracing himself for the worst. "Out with it."


"Wha..?" Louis' eyebrows shoot up in confusion. That is until he sees Harry's downcast eyes and a crimson blush creeping into his face.

"Are you bloody serious?!"The older lad jumps over the counter in sheer excitement. He sits dangling his legs on either side of the Harry's waist, who bites his lip and nods, his orbs fixed on his shoes.

"I promise to be the best boyfriend in all the seven galaxies." Louis declares in a Shakespearan manner, clutching his chest with one hand and stroking Harry's chin with the other.

"Seven what?" Harry exclaims incredulously, "Don't you mean Seven seas?"

"Whatever you geek. Now shut up and let me kiss you."

Mist Of Mystery {Zarry}✔ [Under Heavy Editing•]Where stories live. Discover now