24. Real Rocky

966 68 36

Beats: Body say ~ Demi Lovato

Niall's POV

All bosses are difficult. Mr. Malik was hard to comprehend hence I could not establish any form of friendship or familliarity with him.He was one big question mark as a person. But he was a great businessman. He stepped out temporarily and left me in the hands of Miss Lovato.

Pure toture. Physical, emotional and mental. I may be hyperbolic but come on. How was I to know that the girl I met at the gym was one day to be my boss? She is a nice boss. A wonderful woman. That's the problem. I don't think she knows what the little touches she gives do to me. The greeting pecks she gives me every morning before commencing work. The embraces to congratulate me if I run an errand impeccably. The back pats and rubs she administers to encourage me. You don't want to know how many boners I have to kill in a single day. Let's not even get started on my bathroom breaks. Physical.

I learned that she is generally an affectionate person. She even hugs and gives clients chaste kisses. So the thought of her flirting with me is way out of the window. Her kindness, her understanding and her encouragement hits the bottom of my heart everytime. Her smile and her stunning beauty is what gets me out of my bed every morning to go to work. Emotional.

Anytime I'm alone all I think about is her. Every night she stars in my wildest of dreams. She's a rapidly growing tumor in my brain. Thanks to her, my life is like a boat on real rocky waters. Mental.

"Niall, you think you could get me some coffee?" She beams from her desk.

I look her direction. Her wardrobe always screamed badass but her bubbly personality begged to differ. She was sporting massive underboob today and without her coat, her tattooes could be seen.

"Sure, ma'am." In a flash, I bring her beverage and settle on my desk. I text Harry because it's a discrete method as opposed to calling.

To Harry: Hi mate.

From Harry: Hey...how's work?😊

To Harry: Same story..😑

From Harry: How many times have you spanked that monkey today?

To Harry: Not funny mate. She's killing me. Should I tell her?

From Harry: Sure thing. If you don't mind losing you job, that is.

To Harry: Thanks, asshat.

From Harry: Anytime, blue balls.

Oh, speaking of Harry, I think he lost his job as Mr. Malik's driver/ assisstant. It's only a matter of days and he'll be back to Cherry's. It's been almost a month and he's jobless. At least his love life is going alright. Louis takes him on dates and they do everything I wish my boss and I could.

One time I busted them defiling my couch and I almost beat their asses off before they retreated to Harry's room. Fucking perverts. For some reason, I don't like Louis 100%. And the feeling's mutual. I have a deep feeling that their bubble will burst soon.

In my opinion, those two are whores, not demisexual like myself. Huh, not a pun. So loyalty can be a little problem there. Harry, however, can try especially since he sort of changed but Louis, I don't know. That morning I joked about him fucking his boss, guilt was on his face. He ain't fooling me.

I have seen Mr. Payne and he's damn hot. If Louis hasn't tried seducing him, may I die in the worst possible way. Starvation. As if on cue, my stomach rumbles loudly and Miss Lovato laughs.

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