12. Gold Gleam

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Beats: Lights up ~ Harry Styles

"Whoa," Harry stared open-mouthed at the array of costumes and multi-colored wigs,"quite an interesting life you've got here." Troye had given in to giving Harry a tour of his dressing room, in the pub where he worked during the night. He had expected harsh criticism and judgement but here was the curly brunette curiously eyeing everything in this room.

"Yeah, I guess. I know I'm a mess."

Harry's green eyes flew to Troye, who was hanging his head in shame. "I think it's awesome. Defying gender norms sounds pretty exciting. It's cool to have a secret identity, yeah? Who would imagine you, that nice boy who works in a bakery is actually The Wild bloom?"

"Y-you really think it's cool?"

"Positive. You get to live a double life. Being yourself and in drag."

"Thanks, Harry. You're a true friend and I never met someone who understands things like you do."

Harry welcomes the blonde to a heartfelt embrace."It's alright."

"But I don't do this in vain. I just need extra cash to help my widowed mom send my younger brother to school." Harry pulls away and gazes at him in awe.

"Wow. Your family is here in London?"

"No. Ohio, actually."

The door bursts open and a bearded middle-aged man comes in but freezes, eyeing Harry. "You're early today. And what did I tell you about clients in your room?"

"Paps, this is Harry Styles, my closest friend."

"Oh, okay. I thought you two were going to...you know. I don't want my boy to get STDs...no offense Hairy."

"None taken." Harry says, observing the stout balding man. He was the typical stripclub manager only good-natured.

Basically dark-haired Santa Claus without the costume.

"I have bad news. Our second act has acted up." Harry quirks an eyebrow, not understanding what the older man was saying. Troye nods understandingly.

"What...do you mean?" Curiosity overpowers Harry.

" How about you mind your business, Hairy."

"Whoa! There Big Ben! It's Harry FYI."

"Paps!" Troye scolds.

"Well he was just telling me that tonight's singer won't turn up tonight. And well, that would be a loss."

"So, the first act is you?" Harry perches his large hands on his hips, a curious glint in his green eyes.

"Yeah, I would sing on the second show but the crowd craves excitement. They wouldn't appreciate me being on stage twice."

"Yeah, my boy. You just wasted your breath for nothing. Did he solve our problem? Huh?"

Okay maybe he's not nice to strangers.

"I'll do it." Harry found himself saying.

"Say what?" Paps' head snapped to face him.

"Are you sure? You don't even have to be here." Troye grabs his taller friend's bicep.

"I am sure. And don't worry about paying me." He faces the bearded man whose chin wobbles in disbelief.

"Well, it's better than nothing? Eh? Hehe. I'll get the backing band ready."

"No need." Harry replies,"Just leave it to me."

Mist Of Mystery {Zarry}✔ [Under Heavy Editing•]Where stories live. Discover now