3.Blonde Bloke

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Beats : Wide Awake ~ Katy Perry

"Mom, I'm off!" Harry yelled on his way to the kitchen.

"What? You're not having breakfast?"

Anne turned around to see her son all dressed up. "Besides, where the hell are going this early?" She waves the frying pan in her hand menacingly.

"Oh. Actually I got a job...sort of." Anne frowns at her son's words.

"Aww...little Harry steps out for a day and look what happens."

"Yeah...I met Louis yesterday and he offered me a job at his mom's bakery.."

"That's a nice start...better than having staring contests with your books and mirrors all day."


"Go on get outta here. You don't want to be late. Say hi to Mrs. Tomlinson for me."

Harry grabs a banana on his way out. "Bye Anne."

"Harold Edward Styles!!!!"

He runs out the front door giggling mischeviously. He is optimistic about this day. He arrives at Sweet Swoon bakery by cab, a quarter to Eight.


His deep raspy voice echoes through the desolate building and his steps are amplified by the spotless checkerboard floor. On either side of the doorway leading to the counter were half a dozen pine wood table sets and the walls were cherry pink. From the ceiling hang a silver chandelier that Harry was sure his head would bump into had he been a few inches taller.

He makes his way to the counter and admires the delicious pastries on display. "Hey..."

"What the..." Harry almost trips on his own feet and he could feel his heart in his mouth.

"Sorry I spooked you..."

The guy behind the counter chuckled, his luminous blue eyes that had a feminine sparkle watched Harry with amusement as he stretched his strawberry lips to a small smile. He made his way in front of the counter and Harry noticed his skinny and lithe physique.

He was barely over nineteen. The real spectacle about the guy was his bleached blonde hair and his captivating smile which had become wider.

"Hi, I'm Troye...you must be Harry?" He offers his hand which Harry shakes gingerly.

"How did..."

"Louis told me you'd come to start today. He actually told me to look out for green eyes, curly hair and a million-dollar smile."

Harry couldn't resist the urge to smile and his dimples made an appearance. "There's that smile!" Troye exclaims.

"Louis is an idiot, you two are idiots!" Harry fights a goofy smile that is spreading across his flushed face.

"Lets get you started already," Troye leads Harry behind the counter, "Let me take you to the back to meet Mrs. Tomlinson." Harry follows him through a door in the back which leads to a neat tiny room. At the far corner sat a middle-aged woman with bifocals scribbling something on a notebook.

She notices the boys and rises from the desk. "Oh Harry, it's been a while."
She gives him a brief embrace. "How is Anne? I haven't seen her in ages."

"She's...great...I guess. She says hi to you."

"Oh, glad am I to hear that. Anyway my son asked me to give you a job so ...I guess pretty boy over here will help you get started." Troye nodded in agreement.

"Can I get that day off you promised then?"

"Sure thing just show Harry around and you can leave."

Mrs. Tomlinson pushed her necklength brown hair behind her ears and settled back in her chair. "If you need me I'll be right here."

Troye gave Harry a brief tour and tutorial before leaving in a gust. "Good luck Harry, just try to smile often...it keeps customers coming."

Standing behind the counter, Harry fastens his pale pink apron and hat. So all he had to do was sell the pastries and charge customers. "Piece of cake." He blurts. He laughs and just then the very first customer makes his way in.

"Welcome to Sweet Swoon, may I take your order?" He hands over the menu.

"Dude," Harry flinches on the familiarity of the voice and the loud slap on the counter top.


"Where have you been bro? Thought you got married and moved to Japan!"

"Why would I move to Japan?"

"I don't know...Hey tell me what you've been upto during the past year." He scratches through his blonde fuzz in anticipation. So Harry proceeds to tell his tale of how he disconnected with the world after high school.

"That's sad...I mean how did an extrovert like you become an introvert this fast? You used to nail different girls every night. You lived for parties and parties lived for you. What happened to you?"

Harry shook his head solemnly, shrugging his shoulders. "Guess people change or maybe that wasn't me."

"What did you do with Harry...you geek? Has this got something to do with Lo..."

"Today's special is strawberry muffins." Niall glares at him for cutting him off.

"So my suspicion is true, aye?"

"Niall I'm at work. We'll talk later, alright?"

"Fine. But you need someone to talk to buddy and I'm here for you. I'll have them chocolate bagels to go."

Harry packages his order and gets a little fidgety as he feels the intense sky-blue gaze on him. When he is done he hands the package to Niall, who is still watching him.Niall pays and leaves but not before tossing his head back and giving Harry a small smile.

Harry exhales and takes a seat and thinks about Niall's proposal. He could use a friend to confide in so what the heck? A fresh file of customers appear and Harry gets on his feet and plasters a wide smile on his face.

" Welcome to the Sweet Swoon, may I take your order?"

-What do you think is Niall's suspicion?🤔

-What is Harry concealing ?😕

-Tons of love 😘

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