49. Juicy Joke

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Beats: Like I can ~ Sam Smith

Harry's POV

"Oh my goodness! What the fuck happened to you?" I rise from the couch, hands flying to my gasping mouth, beholding my boyfriend. His hair was messy, lower lip bruised, there were tears on his clothes and a small open cut on his cheek.

"Your ex happened! You sure know how to pick 'em."

"What did he do to you?" I almost cry.

"No...it was that Taylor girl. Why does she carry scissors in her purse?!" He waves his arms angrily.

"She was all like Harry's my man. I simply told her we are dating.Then she got mad as fuck and ordered me to pull over. She called me a fag and other distasteful names before using her scissors to tear at my leather seats. I had to drag her out physically and that was when she cut holes in my clothes."

"Wait, she was in your car?" I give a puzzled frown.

"I had just bid Wali goodbye and she came along asking for a lift." He proceeds to analyze the damage done to his clothes.


"She was screming like I hate you so fucking much...Tell Harry we're over and I'm going to Germany whether he likes it or not. I said Harry wouldn't give flying crap about that then...she almost gores out my eye." Zayn points to the cut on his face.

I burst out laughing and if looks could annihilate, I'd be a goner. "Oh, my sweet little baby." I wrap my arms around him and sprinkle his mad face with kisses.

"What's funny about my anguish?"

"Nothing...It's just...you really nailed her voice baby. And the scenario is funny to a third party." I giggle.

"She bit my lip. That's still funny?"I shake my head as a surge of jealousy courses through my veins.

"What is it with you and dating psychopaths?" He glares at me.

"I dunno...I seem to be a psycho magnet." I grin and he rolls his eyes.

"That is worse than all your knock knock jokes." He sighs and sniffs the air.

"Anyway, I'm just elated that you're not ashamed of what we have." I kiss his cheek.

"What smells so...good?" His face softens into slight joy.

"Me," I smirk, "I'm wearing your cologne."

"No no...it's...something else like-"

"Why don't we go get you fresh clothes and clean that little cut."I drag the man upstairs before he could walk into the kitchen.

"Where's Lola?"

"She's in her room with Ray and her doll house."

Zayn slips into new clothes and I sit beside him as I wipe the cut with disinfectant. At least Taylor is out of my hair now because the last thing I need is more ex problems. I dab the little wound and I can't help but study the perfect face before me.

I watch in awe how symmetrical his face was then I get stuck in the big honey orbs. His irises are kaleidoscopes with a spectrum of colors around his dilating pupils and I know he's staring at me too. He blinks and I fawn at his ridiculously long and thick dark lashes.

Seriously, who told him he could have those? He doesn't even need them. I don't know how it happened but our lips lock and I'm already on his lap. I play with his hair as he deepens the kiss, pulling me even closer to him and I moan a little when he squeezes my ass. I pull away to breathe and I clear my throat.

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