36. Sure, Sugar

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Beats: Scared to be lonely ~ Dua Lipa

Niall's POV

As Mr. Malik successfully sealed us that deal with Carl Brown two nights ago, Demi was subsequently supposed to go overseas where Brown's company was situated for a little tour of his place. All the way in Los Angeles. And since I was her assisstant I was to tag along. At least we were travelling in a private jet so it was not that bad.

There was nothing but stone cold silence between my boss and although we were seated right next to each other, shoulders almost brushing. I had buried my nose in a magazine, whose title I didn't even care to know. Demi was looking out of the window, sipping her cocktail with her legs crossed. "I don't know about you but I sure will be jetlagged after this one."

She breaks the silence but I don't reply, save for a nonchalant hum. "Hey, I'm talking to you." She turns to face me but I still stare at my magazine. She snatches the thing and tosses it down.

"What the fuck? I was reading that!"

"No you weren't."

"I was too." I glare at her but that doesn't stop me from noticing how exquisite she looked today.

"You know you just can't keep ignoring me. Before anything else, I'm your boss."

"Okay. How may I be of assisstance, ma'am?"

"By stopping your childishness. Thank you." She turns to her stupid window again.

"Excuse me? Childish?"

"Yes. You're still mad at me yet I already apologised!"

"I'm not mad!"

"You are too." She glares back at me and I almost hold her stare for a minute. Almost. Then I burst out laughing and her face breaks into fragments of confusion. "What? Why are you laughing?"

"It's just...you...look like an...egg."


"No offense, it's just...your ponytail is on too tight."

"For real? And you're telling me now?" She hisses untying her hair.

"Incase you're unaware, this is the first time I'm facing you today." I watch as she struggles to tie up her hair again.

"I...er could give you a hand."

She gives me an incredulous look as I pat my lap and give her an awkward smile. She reluctantly lays her head on my lap and my breath gets caught in my throat as I feel her hand on my thigh. I did not think this through. I gather her locks in my hands, my fingers brushing her hairline and feeling her scalp. I tie up her hair securely but just loose enough. Then I regret that she had to get up so soon. "You look great."

"So how sure am I that you haven't messed up my head?"

"I used to do my mom's hair sometimes," I shrug.

"That's to reassure me?" She laughs, her pearly white teeth making an appearance. I'm still in love.

"Only if you buy it. Besides, you'd look amazing with anything on your head."

"Anything?" She laughs again and my cheeks are getting hot as I nod. I missed her infectious angelic laughter. "Thanks, Niall." I can't find my words especially when she was squeezing my forearm like that.

"So when do we meet Mr. Brown?"

"Not until tomorrow. Atleast I have time to relax when we arrive in America." I watch as she yawns stretches her arms out before her.

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