51. Knick-Knack

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Beats: Hate me ~ Ellie Goulding, Juice WRLD

Zayn's POV

"...and they lived happily ever after."

Harry shuts the book and places it on Lola's nightstand and the little princess frowns. I was leaning on the doorway and apparently none of them noticed I was there. "Why all stories end like that?" Her eyes were studying my boyfriend.

"I don't know either...it kind of sucks." Harry frowns too, pinching his bottom lip. Ray jumps up on the bed and my daughter cradles him in her arms, making him whine happily.

"You think I'll find my prince one day?"

"Why of course my fair one, you will have so many to choose from." Harry smiles.

"You love my daddy?" She asks in a small shy voice.


"Don't lie...I saw you kissing daddy on the mouth."

"When?"  Harry looks like he's seen a vision of ghouls.

"Many times. I'm six no stupid." She huffs, hugging Ray tighter.

"Alright baby. I love your daddy. Very much." He smiles.

"Does he love you too?"

"He better." He laughs, tossing his mane over his shoulders.

"But I thought boys like girls."

"Yes baby. Most boys like girls but in some other cases boys like other boys."

"But why?"

"I guess you just can't choose who your heart decides to love. Love is love baby."

"Isn't it...wrong?" She shrugs apologetically.

"No baby. But many people still think it is because they're scared of things they don't understand."


"Yes baby."

"Can...girls like other girls too?"


I clear my throat to make my presence known then the brunette heads turn to face me. Ray skips off the bed and runs out the door, probably for a bathroom break. I walk to my princess' bed as the two pairs of different shades of green watch me.

"How long have you been there?"

"Only long enough." I sit on the other side of the bed and run my hand through my daughter's soft hair.

"Harry just brushed it." She complains and takes my hand in her little ones.

"Sorry love."

My eyes meet with Harry's and he sends me a soft smile. I could stare at him all night so I tore my gaze from him.

"Baby, I know you have a lot of questions but you're too young. All you have to know now is that we love you so much."

"Really?" Lola looks between the two of us.

"Yes baby. Daddy and I will love you forever and ever." Harry strokes her cheek and she smiles.

"That makes me happy." She giggles and I'm on the verge of tears.

"Aww..." Harry cuddles her in his arms so I cuddle them both, sandwiching my little angel between us.

We lie there in silence until her soft snores floated in the air. I lift my head and meet Harry's gaze already on me, his jades twinkling with adoration.

Mist Of Mystery {Zarry}✔ [Under Heavy Editing•]Where stories live. Discover now