53. Cold Crime

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Beats: Trampoline ~ Zayn, SHAED

Zayn's POV

The clap of thunder and flash of lightning outside stirred a storm of anxiety within me. I was lying here with my daughter like we always did whenever it rained, cuddling each other close. Up until last week we were a threesome but I lost him. She is fast asleep while I on the other hand was dying of anxiety for some reason.

I leave her room and begin pacing up and down the hallways. I never bite my nails but now it seemed like the only sensible thing to do. What the fuck is happening? I go downstairs and meet Sunny on her way out.

"Have a great evening, sir."

"You too Sunny."

Why did I not fire her?

Despite her ill intentions, she actually saved my life. I would have ended up lifeless in a pool of my blood that night. Also, puking on her was punishment enough though it was unintentional. I'm no saint but I understand she is a woman with feelings and shit like that so I can't condemn her for it. As long she doesn't try to weasel her way into my pants again I have nothing against her.

I resume panicking and cracking my knuckles. The doorbell rings and I rush to answer it. In walks Anne who folds up her large black umbrella, tossing it down. "Hello Zee..." She gives me a motherly embrace and I sigh.

"Hi Anne."

"Where's my boy? I need to see my boy." The desperation in her voice is barely filtered. How do I tell her we broke up? How do I tell this woman I barely see her son these days?

"He...er...stepped out. That's why I'm worried." I gulp.

"Gosh! Zayn! In this weather? Where'd he go?"

"You know what? I'll go find him. Please stay here."

"But...how long should I wait?"

"Until I return." I pick up her umbrella.

"Where's Lolita?"

"Upstairs in her room. Please keep an eye on her?"

"Do you even have to ask? Just bring Harry back here."

I race outside and hop into the first car I found in my garage. I drive away, though not sure where I was headed. Where could he be? I breathe and try to think. I call him up but it goes to voicemail. He can't be at Cherry's it's yet to be night.

My racing mind flies until it finally settles. Harry never cuts off his exes. Taylor is out of town, Louis is with my best mate and he's not with me either. Then he must be at Kendall's. I drive to that cabin where I once took him to get his stuff, which led to our first break up.

The very place Louis commited the cold crime of stabbing and almost killing him. The same cabin I woke up in its basement when Harry thought I was dead. And what the hell was I doing there? How did I even end up there if Harry told me he called for me to be taken to the morgue or something?

This is all so confusing. And as much as Harry keeps bugging me to open up to him, there's a lot I don't know myself. I hope he's alright wherever he is and my anxiety is nothing but a false alarm.

Niall's POV

"I didn't know it was going to rain so heavily."

I had treated Demi out to an early dinner at a fast food joint when suddenly the sky turned black and began pouring buckets of rain. "Neither did I." I hum swallowing the last bite of my burger.

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