46. Your Youth

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Beats : Chandelier ~ Sia

Niall's POV

I watch it bounce and wobble. Wiggle and jiggle. Then clap. The music was up and Sandy was getting down for me. We decided to spend the rest of the night at her place and after one too many shots of strong liquor, she was drunk off her ass. That's why she was twerking like she was on a mission to drop it.

I was also a bit drunk myself, but I was handling it pretty well, if you were to ask. I was sat tight in a chair with a glass of whiskey in my hand and my eyes glued to the big wonder ahead of me. She did this thing with her waist that made me believe she was boneless and her bouncing ass hypnotized me.

As I sat there patiently, caging my temptation to throw her on the bed and pounce on her, my mind floated away. To someone. And yes I danced with Sandy earlier in the club for a purpose. To pass a clear and precise message to someone. That's right, you guessed it wrong.

Christopher. He was there in the club, alright, sitting right across us while giving me these hungry and thirsty stares. I am not and will never be gay. Ever. I ain't homophobic and I actually respect all the colours of the rainbow though I don't identify as any.

I want a wife and kids someday. I can't imagine a life partner without seeing them pregnant with my child once. I can't. Niall Horan is straight and will forever be. Some random asshole can do nothing to change that. Even if I could still feel his hands on me. His lips on mine. I still remember how he tasted. But I am not yearning, just horrified and disgusted.

Well about Demi, I know exactly what she was playing at, the poor thing. She thought just because I gave her my heart, she could toss it in the trash and get away with it. Missy got another thing coming. She'll really feel what it's like to need me. Sandy is a good woman, though a bit of a nutbar. I like her, she seems promising and treats me like a king. Not a door mat.

And my ex should really up her game in her attempts to make me jealous. No offense but replacing me with a woman is a low blow to be honest. Unless her girlfriend is capable of getting her pregnant, I really don't care. I blink as she strips down to her underwear and I stare as she continues dancing.

"C'mon baby, les dance." She grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. It was an innocent slow dance until she began grinding on me.

"Babe, we have work tomorrow." I chuckle.



"Jus enjoy ya youth, c'mon."

"We have work tomorrow."She ignores me and bends over, resting her hands on her knees and twerks against me and my jaw drops. "work work work work work work..." She slurs drunkenly.

I pick the woman up and toss her on the bed, tucking her in. After a minute of more drunk singing, she snores peacefully and I gaze at how beautifully her curls spread out on the sheets. I need to drown out all the questions I've been asking myself. Am I that appealing to other men?

Do I look like some sort of twink or fag? Maybe I should stop bleaching my hair, perhaps it gives a wrong impression of me. But... I sigh and get up, going to her kitchen to look for more alcohol.

Zayn's POV

"...and that's how she left me." I watch with slight horror as Liam downs another bottle of vodka.

"Alright, you've had quite enough." I snatch the unopened bottles from the table and place them on the floor beside me. He was a mess, his hair all over the place like little antennae, blood red eyes from all his crying and his face stained with dried tears.

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