10. Dear Diary

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Beats: Born this way ~ Lady Gaga

28th of March,

Lately my life seems to have overturned.

My whole perspective about life has been altered.

I can only imagine what would transpire if I were to travel back in time and told me from the past what would happen to him in a year's time.

That stuck up douche would have wasted no time in slitting my throat open.

I wouldn't blame him, though.

I just accepted to undertake a journey which I have zero maps and experience for.

I do have a tour guide but I am not so sure about trusting him yet.

He might wander off, leaving me in the mercy of I don't know- bears?

But before I embark on my journey with him, I have to let my mom know.

I am not sure whether she would be altogether thrilled about my change in direction.

What would she say?

What about my former travelling companions?

Would they ridicule our new journey?

Nevertheless, all that matters is that I want to try this new path.

I have learned to have an open mind and explore without fearing any expeditions.

I refuse to be ashamed of who I am- A young and curious vagabond.

I shall let my colours burst.

I shall receive the blessings and accept the curses.

Someday maybe I shall be happy and content despite my devious past.

I was selfish, egotistic and vain and woe unto anyone who dared cross me.

Faithfulness was from fairytales and loyalty was like a leash to me.

Friends were tools to carve out my own life and to fan my ferocious flame of narssism.

But I reformed from the prick I once was to a better person through twelve months of isolation.

Yes, the caterpillar transformed into a butterfly from the privacy of its cocoon.

My home, where I was raised but barely spent my youth there.

Maybe I should get a permanent reminder of my metamorphosis?

Dear diary, I also have nuts running loose in my head -I think.

Recently I have been hearing somethings.

Occasionally, my eyes have perceived somethings...not really sure what they are.

Maybe the woods are haunted and I'm not fricking crazy?

But are things of the underworld supposed to be appealing?

I have seen movies and heard testimonies from folks...beings that haunt are ghastly and grotesque... nothing graceful.

Plus, I have gathered the pieces of this mystical puzzle and they potray an individual.

Atleast I can take solace in the fact that he is a solitary ghost- at worst.

It is not a legion of spirits and neither does he have an army of demons hopefully.

Or maybe he just hasn't unleashed them yet?

If only I could get to know him better.

He's too aesthetic for a demon yet too dark for an angel.

Damnit!! Someday, somehow I shall get to the bottom of this maze.

Thanks for letting me write all over you.

Not even my mama can permit that shit.

Bye for now♡

-  Hello diary reader...

- There goes someone's heart dripping all over that page.

- Hope you get his metaphorical language

- You know him, right?

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