57. Fly Forever

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Beats: You're still the one ~ Shania Twain

Harry's POV

For a generally carefree and laid back sort of guy, Niall was reduced to a mere constipated blow fish. His tiny Irish lips disappeared into a tight thin line as his hands were tightly clutched in front of him. He was waiting for his bride, the queen of the moment to grace the ceremony with her presence.

He was ravishingly handsome with a light beard coming on and his hair wasn't so blonde anymore. His dark brown hair gave him a more sophisticated and mature aura. His tux matched the thick blankets of snow evenly distributed on the ground. All the guests were clad in white and black, making the event a live fairytale.

From the arch above the reception area hang a sparkling army of frosty icicles and the glass chairs resembled authentic ice. It was a magical scene. Beside Niall stood Louis, who looked very pleased with himself as evidenced by the conceited smirk he was bearing.

Yes, they picked him to be the best man on this big day and he is currently rubbing it in my face with his mocking blue eyes on me. I sigh, bearing a knowing smile at his childishness. Niall only let him be the best man since I stepped down. I was to be the godfather of their unborn child plus the best man. I'm a lot of things but selfish. So I discretely asked Niall to give Louis one. And best man it was because he was unfit to be a good role model to any child.

Bells suddenly ooze a delightful jingle as guitar strums float softly into the air. On Ben Winston's arm clung the angel whose soul was to be united for eternity with the anxious groom. She was beyond dazzling and her smile shone through her veil, compensating the dullness of the sky. On her hand was a bouquet of cream coloured roses, the green petals looking alien in the spotlessly white ambience.

He leads his niece at a leisurely and viscuous pace to the altar, her gown sweeping after their measured steps. Following behind was my baby girl with a basket of pearl white petals. My heart literally melts when she casts her enchanting green eyes on me and she squeezes one shut. What a flirty minor.

Her chestnut hair was up in a neat bun, crowned with a cream bow which matched her princess gown. Gorgeous. I swear if Lola were a few years older the bride would be in her shadow. She casts the petals around like she was sowing the seeds of love with a bewitching smile on her face.

She begins showering the guests with the floral bits and they give her heart eyes, heck, some poke her little dimpled cheeks. When she completes her little stunt she runs to her parents. Us. I place her on my lap and press my lips to the corner of her mouth.

"Was I good papi?" She cradles my face with her rose-scented gloves.

"You were perfect as always." My thoughts are voiced by a different mouth.

"Thanks daddy."Zayn kisses her cheek, adjusting the woollen shawl around her shoulders and wraps his hand around mine. Ben finally hands over his niece to Niall, who gazes at her like she was a deity. The priest begins speaking but I couldn't follow with Zayn's fingers dancing on my palm.

I gulp and stare ahead because it's not healthy to look him in the face.
At least not now. When he's wearing white. When his mane is styled to deliberate perfection. When his skin was glowing in the modest sky light, his eyes oh... I can't.

He scratches teasingly with his middle finger and I draw my lip between my teeth. I clear my throat and shift a little, determined not to get hard with my daughter on my lap. My daughter, that sounded so right.  I clasp both my hands around Lola's waist, winning against the divine devil seated beside me.

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