23. Think Thrice

954 75 78

Beats : Magic ~ Coldplay

Harry's POV

After my sweet loyal boobear dropped me off near the gate of Malik mansion I kissed him goodbye and he drove off. I must say, that was a sweet ride and it must have cost a fortune. But I do believe him when he said that it was one of the cars his boss kept in his garage at work. I know my boo would never lie to me.

When I ring the doorbell, Lola answers but her large lime-green eyes stare up at me. I can't help but stare back. She was a pretty young thing with those very long lashes and her long brown hair flowing past her shoulders. But don't misunderstand me, I'm not a pedo or anything.

I don't know if it was just in my head or she was actually giving me one of those 'I know what you did last summer' looks. Mr. Malik arrives in the nick of time, saving me from being creeped out. That's no average kid.

Speaking of not average, neither is her father. He was sinfully gorgeous with his unkempt hair and what looked like sleep wear. I study the various designs of ink that formed a sleeve on his arm. I have no doubt his casted arm was full of them too.

He takes me to his study and asks me why I'm not okay with him dating my mom. Is he even serious? He's way too young to be dating my mother! He asks if I would like to be dismissed but I couldn't afford to lose this job since I swore that Cherry's won't see me again for dust.

His most offensive question was if I was gay. OMG, he's a jerk. I told him I wasn't, obviously, because, hello, I need this job and he seems like a staunch homophobe. And even if he wouldn't fire me because of that, I know he'd hate me. Besides, It wasn't a lie because I'm not gay. I'm still attracted to women so I'm probably bisexual. My mom totally misunderstood me.

He then tells me that my task today was to babysit Lola. That kid scares the hell out of me though. Not only because of my first encounter with her at the park but also because she always looks like she's about to hurl an anchor straight through my head.

In the living room, we find her playing with the remote and she had detached it to pieces with the batteries scattered around. She has a brief mischevious exchange with her dad before she tries to make a run for it.

He orders me to get her and when I do, she fiercely fights me off but I triumphantly hand over the brat to her father. After forcing her to apologise to me, he lets her run off to the kitchen. I pick up the pieces of the remote and realise she did no real damage.

But my boss says he'll just buy another one. What's with rich jamokes thinking that everything can be replaced? Fine. Try replacing your dead wife then. Like a puzzle, I solve it and the thing works on the maniacally large TV.

Mr. Malik excuses himself and goes to his bedroom and tells me to call him incase I needed help with Lola. I sigh as I watch him disappear upstairs.
Presently, I'm contemplating going to the kitchen to see what Lola was up to. That kid wouldn't think thrice about butchering me with whatever she may lay her hands on in the kitchen.

But I find her on the kitchen floor playing with matches. She sees me and gasps. "Pwease don't tell daddy !" She whispers, desperately trying to hide the match box. She's so cute. I chuckle and sit down next to her.
She pouts and scoots away from me. "What? You don't like me?"

"No." Her pretty eyes glare.

"Why?" I fake hurt in my voice but it did sting a bit to know such a cute thing would dislike me. She stays quiet, still pouting and glaring. Maybe she still held a grudge against me from that day at the park.

"Look, princess. I'm sorry if I did something to make you not like me."

" 'pology 'cepted. Still not like you."

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