27. Many More

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Beats: You and I ~ One direction

Zayn's POV

As lame as Harry may be, he totally slayed with his girlfriend. That Kendall lass looked like she just walked out of a vogue magazine. So after I finally finished bragging about my daughter turning six and thanking my late wife for birthing her, my guests applauded.

I am more than aware that an event like this may consist of blood relatives. Sorry to disappoint you but this party comprised of my friends and their snobby kids who were also Lola's friends. My family disowned me when I was sixteen because I defied my culture and religion back in Pakistan. So I came to England, courtesy of my English godmother, Olivia. She died and left me as the sole heir of her little business yet she had a daughter because, patriarchy. Her daughter; Demi and I brought Olivia's to its current glory.

Gigi's parents were racist pricks who did not approve of our marriage. They even had the nerve to dub me as a terrorist and as a result, they also disowned their daughter.Fucking bloodbags. Regardless, we lived happily and by the time Lola was born, we had more money than we could spend. So I granted Demi ownership of half the company since it was only fair as she was Olivia's daughter.

My daughter cuts her cake which was in the form of a disney castle and distributes cake with Demi's, Sunny's and my help too. Yeah, so the doctor took off my cast though I am still not allowed to strain my arm. Everyone was enjoying their piece of cake and socializing and my little angel was playing with her friends.

I walk by my guests, exchanging salutations and niceties.I spot Demi and my former assisstant having what looked like a gossip session. "Hello, Mr. Horan. Glad you could make it."

"Of course. I couldn't miss all these delicacies for the world," He bites a chunk off his cake and smiles, "happy birthday to Lola and may she have many more."

"Thanks." I say and walk over to Harry. Apparently, he was about to snog his hot date but I clear my throat.Vengeance is mine.

"Sir?" He turns to me and so does she.

"Now is perfect."

Harry nods and leaves me with Kendall. "So, how long have you been dating?" Curiosity overpowers me.

"Well...it's been a while." She tosses her hair and sips on the champagne Sunny had begun distributing. "Forgive me but isn't it a little weird for you to date your employee's mom?" I can't believe how brazen this woman was.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing." I chuckle.

"If you did, Harry should totally be calling you daddy, not sir." She strokes my jaw lightly with the edge of her fingernail before walking over to Anne.

I go get my daughter and make her the centre of attention again. "Baby, I didn't exactly know what to get you for your birthday..." I begin and everyone laughs lightly. "...because I couldn't reckon anything worthy of being a gift for my little angel." I look behind Lola and see Harry approaching with her gift cradled in his arms."So with the help of an amazing person, I concluded that this adorable precious thing in my house should somehow be complemented."

I spin Lola around and she gasps, her hands on her mouth. Everyone coos. She receives the cute Dalmatian puppy and cuddles it to her chest. "Thank you, daddy." Lola's voice breaks and I see her large eyes swimming in potential tears. I crouch and hug her, feeling myself tear up too. "Anything for my baby. You know who gave me this idea?"She shakes her head.


She turns around and looks up at him. "Thank you, Harry." She jumps into the wide open arms and Harry hugs her lovingly. I am getting a bit jealous because only daddy deserves such loving, Lola. I walk to them to claim back my daughter but she pulls me in and Harry wraps an arm around me too. The puppy in Lola's arm whines.

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